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Artist shop recommendation

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Hello everyone

I am visiting Pattaya and will be here for one more week. I have noticed several shops/studios with artists working inside. Does anyone have any tips on selecting one to create portraits from family pictures? For example, price aside, can I assume that all the artists are equally qualified etc.

Thanks in advance


Mike A

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NO Mikl777 .............


Do not make the assumption that they are "Equally Qualified".


Last year I "Foolishly" chose an artist based on the quality of what I saw while looking around his studio. (I had looked at many)


The quality of the work I saw was excellent and I dived in the deep end.

Wanting several portraits of family members, we agreed the initial deposit (as is the norm) and the balance on collection.


My 3,000 Baht was passed into his hand with my cherised photo's and an assurance of the "Excellent Workmanship" that was to follow.


Now I am no artist, I draw a horse an it looks like a pregnant cow, I know that.

But the sight that greeted me on the day of collection was nothing short of an abomination.


I "Vaguely" recognised the people in the paintings (by the clothes they wore).

I think my money may have been better invested in giving the blind school an oral description and some crayons.


I know this may sound like gross exaggerating but believe me I'm not.


My advice, find an artist, give him 1 photo to paint and then you have "Some" idea of what you can expect before you throw your hard earned pennies at a guy who fills his shop with the work of fellow artists.



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Hello everyone

I am visiting Pattaya and will be here for one more week. I have noticed several shops/studios with artists working inside. Does anyone have any tips on selecting one to create portraits from family pictures? For example, price aside, can I assume that all the artists are equally qualified etc.

Thanks in advance


Mike A

Mik ive used santini gallery down walking st many times.A+

1,500baht for A4 portrait pencil.As long as the photo of your family/friends is clear enough they will do a first class portrait.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Don't know the name of the Gallery but I always use a place near Second Road.

Heading South on Beach Road turn left at the start of Walking Street by the pier. Head East past The Bamboo bar towards the traffic lights and just before the junction with Second Road there is a small alley way to your left.

Enter there and a few metres in on the left hand side is the art gallery. Tell the Thai artist that you are a friend of the man who gave him the bottle of Johnny Walker Blue Label. It might not help but it certainly won't harm you. :D I have been using him for a long time now and have never had any complaints regarding either quality or price.

Winston and I used to have a business providing oil paintings done from photos scanned over the internet and this guy is as good as we found anywhere.

Good luck.


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I used Sutin Fine Arts last April for two oils of my two grandsons. I was happy with the work.


But you need to ensure that Mr. Sutin has a clear understanding of how many you want. He did not understnad as I wanted two of the same oil, I only got one.


He has a small stall on Beach Rd. Soi 13 in a market setting. Don't look for what you see on his web site as that is a very old picture.

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