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Anyone Show me Around Pattaya?

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I am travelling for the first time alone, scarey thought on its own! I am a Disabled 29 Year Old guy who loves a laugh, Im sure just like you Im coming over for the Sun and Ladys. I really would appreciate if someone could be some kind of company for any ammount of time. I arrive at Bangkok airport on the 7th early a.m so should be in Pattaya by 12 noon. Cheers!

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Hi richmason an Welcome to the forum..........


Couple of points here buddy.......


Scary, nahhh, your gonna have a ball an you ain't never alone in Pttya unless you choose to be.

I always travel alone and you will find the guys here on this forum helpful and friendly.

Any questions just ask in the forum, get your ass to the FLB most nights and you will meet guys from here.


Not to be indelicate, you don't say what your disability is.

If you in a wheelchair then in some areas may have access probs..?

I too am technically "Disabled" but can still enjoy evening olympics......... :livid


I am getting over to LOS but my dates have yet to be finalised, if were there at the same time then the 1st beer is on me.......... :beer :nod <grin





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  jack_daniels said:
Hi richmason an Welcome to the forum..........


Couple of points here buddy.......


Scary, nahhh, your gonna have a ball an you ain't never alone in Pttya unless you choose to be.

I always travel alone and you will find the guys here on this forum helpful and friendly.

Any questions just ask in the forum, get your ass to the FLB most nights and you will meet guys from here.


Not to be indelicate, you don't say what your disability is.

If you in a wheelchair then in some areas may have access probs..?

I too am technically "Disabled" but can still enjoy evening olympics......... :grin-jump


I am getting over to LOS but my dates have yet to be finalised, if were there at the same time then the 1st beer is on me.......... :grin-jump :grin-jump :grin-jump





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Cheers for replying buddy. FLB sounds like a sweet place to meet people, and ofcourse view the local talent. I dont want to bore people about my disabled, its a long story so i'll cut details out!!! Ive had 3 major strokes, which has left me with 75% speech and a dodgy walk, basicly thats it! Oh yeah and being British :grin-jump .........


If you are in Pattaya while Im over I insist I buy the drink, you buy the first lady, fare deal? It was worth a try! :grin-jump


Take Care

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I will be in town from april 6 thru may 6. Short trip. Did some nursing after nam war. About 12 years worth. So I know where you are coming from. Be glad to show you the ropes mate. Message me with your hotel and e-mail. later Doorman

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Cheers for replying buddy. FLB sounds like a sweet place to meet people, and ofcourse view the local talent. I dont want to bore people about my disabled, its a long story so i'll cut details out!!! Ive had 3 major strokes, which has left me with 75% speech and a dodgy walk, basicly thats it! Oh yeah and being British  .........


If you are in Pattaya while Im over I insist I buy the drink, you buy the first lady, fare deal? It was worth a try! 


Take Care

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You will do for me bro............ :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :beer



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  doorman said:
I will be in town from april 6 thru may 6. Short trip. Did some nursing after nam war. About 12 years worth. So I know where you are coming from. Be glad to show you the ropes mate. Message me with your hotel and e-mail. later Doorman
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Doorman, I booked a hotel today so I can tell you what hotel and dates....


Im in the Diamond Beach Hotel from 7th April - 25th April.


If you would like to go out one night to show me the ropes, that will be really nice.

My email address is richmsn6@aol.com, if you want to make a personal contact.


Hear from you soon.

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I hope you have a real nice time while your out there, do me a favour thou, leave a few women, for me and doorman, being a kind type of guy. I will let you have as many........ No, ALL the lady boys! Please be my guest. :rolleyes:


Have a good trip mate



Rich mason

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  richmason said:
Cheers for replying buddy.  FLB sounds like a sweet place to meet people, and ofcourse view the local talent. I dont want to bore people about my disabled, its a long story so i'll cut details out!!!  Ive had 3 major strokes, which has left me with 75% speech and a dodgy walk, basicly thats it! Oh yeah and being British :D .........


If you are in Pattaya while Im over I insist I buy the drink, you buy the first lady, fare deal?  It was worth a try! :D


Take Care

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And being british!!!!!



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  pattayahappy said:
Hi rich,


You will be there for Songkran and my birthday (13th april)


Take an umbrella- you will get wet but its fun!


I might be around, don't know yet!

mail me at




Have a great time. :D

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If I dont see you in pattaya on your birthday, have a great one... Hopefully I will see you there and we can go for a beer somewhere, remember your only 18 once!


Good luck and Have a Good One :D

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