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Moving to Thailand for good

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Howdy all,


I know Lat and I have NOT been doing much posting or reading of the posts from y'all here lately but part of that is because we have made a major decision that will effect the rest of our lives together.


We have decided, along with my cousin Gene Kendall, to relocate PERMANENTLY to Thailand. Our tickets are bought and paid for, and now we are starting to throw out, give away, all our "treasures" we have accumulated over there past 10+ years.


We will either drive to SoCal o/a 27 Sep and sell our 2001 Cheve Cavalier Z24 which currently has only 22,800 miles on it and has been cared for like a newborn child in California while we spend 4 nights with our kids, grandkids, and new great grandson B4 launching for Bangkok OR we will sell it here and fly to John Wayne Airport (Orange Co. Airport) on 29 Sep 2005. That decision should be made once we are sure that no person wanting our vehicle in SoCal is willing to pluck down $6,000 for it (less than low retail)with the stipulation that it be paid for in cash no later than 2 Oct 2005 and we hand over the title, and car keys to that person in Anaheim CA on 2 Oct.


Let us know IF you are in the SoCal area and interested in buying our vehicle under those terms.


Then in mid-afternoon on 3 Oct, my oldest daughter, who lives in Anaheim will drive us to LAX where we will launch on China Air Flight 5 to Taipei and once arriving there will continue on China Air Flight 65 to Bangkok, arriving to start our new life in Thailand at 1AM on 5 Oct. Lat's sister will be picking us up and driving us on to Chiayaphum "straight away".


We plan to set up house in Chiayaphum at the house that Lat already has there. We have enclosed the downstairs which used to be open air with cement floor this past year, added an American style toilet and hot water heater for showering, air conditioning for our downstairs bedroom and are currently having the kitchen area remodeled.


We are not certain if we will continue to use Chiayaphum for a "permanent" base of operation or not, but will take say 4 months or so to really get to know the whole of the Chiayaphum area, medical, prime care management and dental professionals available, level of competence at the local hospitals and clinics, and just how I adjust to life in Isaan.


If we decide that a better parameter is to move full time to the Pattaya Beach area and just spend a week or so every month with the family in Chiayaphum, this looks like possibly the strongest challenge to our living full time there.


Any hints, suggestions on how to make our transition easier will be appreciated. IF there are any farangs whose wives/families live in the Chiayaphum area and you frequently or infrequently visit the area, please let us know.


Wish us well in our new life and IF any of you ARE interested in the Z24, let us know.




Ken and Rattana Bower

San Antonio Texas

http://homepage.mac.com/mgnewman/Kenlat/ Homepage

http://kenandlat.diaryland.com daily THIS AND THAT column

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P.M. if you want hawk's personal email.


He is living in Udon right now. Bought a new chevy colorado there, and is renting a nice place in udon for 5000 baht amonth. If I ever finish my trip report " It takes a village to raise a farang" I'll post more plus pictures.


in addition to hawk, My brother in law is living about 25 minutes out of Korat. They just moved into a new 2000 sq ft house he had built on several acres. He and his thai wife have a little 18 month old girl. Funnier as all get out to see that little blond hair blue eyed girl stick her hand out and say " wah nhe, wah nhe" Hse can't speak a word of english only thai. :banghead :D

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I'd try to work out a deal with the good folks at Trojan or Durex, et al... for a lifetime supply of condoms.


Maybe you could be their SpokesPenis in LOS...

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P.M. if you want hawk's personal email.


He is living in Udon right now. Bought a new chevy colorado there, and is renting a nice place in udon for 5000 baht amonth. If I ever finish my trip report " It takes a village to raise a farang" I'll post more plus pictures.


in addition to hawk, My brother in law is living about 25 minutes out of Korat. They just moved into a new 2000 sq ft house he had built on several acres. He and his thai wife have a little 18 month old girl. Funnier as all get out to see that little blond hair blue eyed girl stick her hand out and say " wah nhe, wah nhe" Hse can't speak a word of english only thai. :banghead :D

cowboy, what size of place is hawk renting in udon for 5,000 baht per month?



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My wife comes from Chaiyaphum.I've been a couple of times and would not consider living there under any circumstances although,admittedly,it is very cheap.

Only one farang bar in a population of 35000.Its a Danish bar and is very good,doing excellent food but your social prospects are limited to say the least !

Theres also a hotel that does farang food and has some pretty girl singers plus a disco but thats about your lot unless you want to be part of the thai only scene.

Shopping,too,is limited.There is a place about half the size of Mikes Shopping Mall but other than that its just market stalls.

Another reason for not living there is that you are too close to the wifes family.There will always be some relative or friend turning up wanting to use you as an ATM !

If you want to live in Isaan than I would say Udon Thani is a much better bet.Its got farang bars,restaurants,air conditioned shopping mall,ten pin bowling and cinema......but its nightlife scene is tiny compared to Pattaya.

Also it is cheap.Me and the wife rent out a three bedroom,two bathroom bungalow for 5500 baht per month.For a place fully a/c you should not be paying more than 10000 baht a month here.

Flights from Udon to Bangkok cost about 1500 baht return with Air Asia & take one hour.

Also the money you save here enables you to have some decent holidays in places like Pattaya,where we will be making our fourth visit in eight months in April.

When you are retired and on a pension its a lot different than coming out on holiday for two weeks when you are in full employment.

When I was working I used to save up for my holidays and think nothing of blowing 100 quid a day.Now thats just not possible.

But now I'm living in Thailand....no more lousy UK weather......now sunshine & endless Chang beers !



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Thanks for that Zidane. I'm moving out later this year - though I will initally be living in Pattaya. Once I get a live in gf, I'll be looking for somewhere less expensive to stay and also where family and/or friends can come out for a visit and not need to stay in hotels.



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Thanks for that Zidane. I'm moving out later this year - though I will initally be living in Pattaya. Once I get a live in gf, I'll be looking for somewhere less expensive to stay and also where family and/or friends can come out for a visit and not need to stay in hotels.



If you're on your own, then I reckon Pattaya gives you the best opportunities to move from tourist mode into resident mode. You will however have to put the brake on the financial expenditure unless you have GBP5,000 per month or so because it can soon get eaten up.


You will probably end up with a live in but I would not go looking for one. I would try and adjust for the first 3 months and look to settle down somewhere around 6 months after your move when you know where you want to stay. Don't go overboard and rent a 3 bed, 3 bath condo or house as its just money down the drain. You've seen a couple on this board go down that route. As for keeping somewhere that friends and family can come visit, forget it. Why pay for something (extra rooms / bathrooms etc.) that you never use but for a few weeks a year. A one bed condo at most should suffice if funds are limited.


Initially you'll be going out most if not every night I suspect until you build up a group of friends. These friends may influence where you live for example. They will also be able to tell you tales of where their inexperience caught them out.


I'd try and make some friends outside the bar and go-go scene, join some clubs and get involved in some diverse social activities. If you are interested in some form of business, again, wait 6 months and study the ground very carefully.


I hope all goes well.

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Hi Ken,

I'm like you I retire in May and am thinking about staying in LOS. Hope to apply for a retirement visa and sample the life for 12 months before commiting to anything. I'm keeping my house in British Isles until I'm sure. I've decided to stay in a hotel for 6 months which charge 13,500B a month all in and scout around. A couple off months ago a TG brought me to her flat which she said she paid 3000B a month, A/C and TV etc included, this was across the road from Tops. it was O.K. but when I asked at the agents I was quoted 7000B, One price for T. and one for F. I've got a steady GF but wanted to go solo until I was sure.

How torrenova can say you will require £5000 a month, approx. 350,000B I don't know. I've been comming out to Pattaya for the last 5 years, last year I spent 2 months with my TG, went to AC for a week and still had £1000 change out of £4000 and I and my GF enjoyed ourselfs, eating out and drinking every night and visiting different places every day and the life was great IMHO

I hope you settle down and enjoy yourself in LOS Ken and all the best Doug.

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I didn't say you needed £5000 per month, I said that unless you had £5000 per month, you'd need adopt a different spending pattern to that of a short term tourist.


In any case, how could you get through Bt350,000 per month - easy.


Room in Residence Garden @ 1350 per night = Bt 40,500


That only leaves Bt10,000 per day. Some good food, a good few beers, some lady drinks, a barfine or two, some cash for the girls, a soapy every now and then. It all adds up. I could easily get rid of £5000 in a month without thinking about it.

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If you're on your own, then I reckon Pattaya gives you the best opportunities to move from tourist mode into resident mode. You will however have to put the brake on the financial expenditure unless you have GBP5,000 per month or so because it can soon get eaten up.


You will probably end up with a live in but I would not go looking for one. I would try and adjust for the first 3 months and look to settle down somewhere around 6 months after your move when you know where you want to stay. Don't go overboard and rent a 3 bed, 3 bath condo or house as its just money down the drain. You've seen a couple on this board go down that route. As for keeping somewhere that friends and family can come visit, forget it. Why pay for something (extra rooms / bathrooms etc.) that you never use but for a few weeks a year. A one bed condo at most should suffice if funds are limited.


Initially you'll be going out most if not every night I suspect until you build up a group of friends. These friends may influence where you live for example. They will also be able to tell you tales of where their inexperience caught them out.


I'd try and make some friends outside the bar and go-go scene, join some clubs and get involved in some diverse social activities. If you are interested in some form of business, again, wait 6 months and study the ground very carefully.


I hope all goes well.



My plan is to stay at the RG for about a month till I find somewhere to stay, probably around the View Talay area, if not in one of their one-bedroom condos. I checked out the area around there last year and am satisfied that I could live there without too many problems. It's on the baht bus route so no problems getting into town when I want to. I certainly won't be looking for a place with 3 bedrooms in Pattaya unless the lottery comes up :beer .


I have come up with a budget (posted in the members' area a few months back) of around 80,000 baht per month so I will be doing my best NOT to go out every night after the first few weeks


I've had a look at some of the clubs available on one of the ex-pats web-sites and may have a go at bowls. Certainly, the last thing I want to do is to have a circle of friends wholly in the bar trade. - unless they're plying me with free booze! :P


I've done a post on suggestions as to where else to live apart from Pattaya and I'll add my thoughts to your and the other repies to that there later.


Thanks for your good wishes and doubtless I'll see you in one of your bars at some point. I might even bar fine one or two of your girls. :beer



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If its any help, I moved to View Talay 2 Building B in December. I had been wanting to live closer to my businesses in South Pattaya but the only condo options were Centre Condo, Markland, Mikes or yensabai. Yes there are others but I wanted a pool.


None came close to View Talay. Sure, its out of town but it is, as you say, on the bus route. That is very important to consider as having to hire buses to get in and out of town each day can add up to a fair few thousand baht over a month. Better to spend more and live on the main route, unless you're going to buy a car or a bike.


I pay Bt12,000 a month for a large studio on the top floor (17th). I could have perhaps gotton it slightly cheaper if I had been taking a lease in the low season. My other bills come in around Bt1500 per month for water and electricity and I have the aircon on all the time I am in the room.


I can walk down to Jomtien beach or get the baht bus into Pattaya in around 10 minutes.


You're sensible to check into an hotel while you look around. I understand that the RG will / did give a monthly rate of Bt30,000. If that is too high, then drop me a line and I'll see what is around. Also, if you're interested in View Talay, let me know as I rent from a Japanese investor (bought 10-15 in View Talay) who rents them out through a German agent. Mine through a high street agent would probably cost Bt14000-16000.

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I am most definitely interested in View Talay - a pool is an essential for me as well - though I am looking for a one-bedroomed condo rather than a studio. I have seen a couple of these for rent at 18,000 baht per month plus utilities through East Coast Real Estate.


As a matter of interest, where do you pay the utility bills?



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One bedroom flats in View Talay vary enormously. The so called Executive floors (15, 16 & 17) are better fitted out in the corridors but the inside of each flat is solely dependent upon how much the owner has paid to have it kitted out.


Also, View Talay 1 is somewhat older than View Talay 2.


As for utility bills, I just pay these with my rent. A girl comes around each month and I just give her some money.

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Thanks, Torrenova.


East Coast Real Estate have 2 condos in View Talay, both in View Talay 2, for rent so if decide to live there, it will down to the standard of furnishings. There are other properties available for rent in the same general area and I will need to look at these as well.



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I talked to East Coast before I got my condo. Their website is often out of date but the boss (owner I think) stated that a number of owners would take offers. However, the ones he showed me in View Talay were not as good as the one I got and were more expensive to boot.


His agency and others I presume, take 20% of the rental. So if it rents for Bt15,000, the owner gets only Bt12,000. he also wants 2 months deposit and 1 months rent in advance.

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It wouldn't surprise me if the 2 properties in View Talay are no longer available for rent as I'm pretty certain that they've been advertised for several months. I've seen other condos in the same area in my price range so it's not a major problem -so long as there is a decent sized pool.


I'm allowing an initial 7 week period to find somewhere to stay and have booked the RG for 4 weeks so that should be plenty of time to make up my mind. I've still to decide how much of my junk I want to get shipped out but that will really have to wait till I know where I'm going to be staying. I therefore plan to return home for 2 weeks' or so to arrange that before heading back to Thailand for good. :eyecrazy



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