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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Where is the best place to start?

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I'm making my virgin trip out to Pattaya on June 8th.....a as a newcomer, where would one recommend as the best place to start off? Can't wait......I've heard good things.!



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your starting off good, ie your coming to thailand, but we need information of what it is you want to do, you can do just about anything you can imagane.

just remember that unless your in the "members" section your not going to get any replys on "nightlight life", but if your looking to visit the islands or temples we'll be happy to help you out although anything you will ask has already been address several times, so if you know how to type a topic in the search menue you'll find pretty much anything you need to know about LOS and pattaya.

just get a room (see hotel section) and go for it :cry1 :D :beer

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Yep, I agree, rb... :cry1 It's all depending on what you're looking for. Like rb said, get you a room, and head downtown. All the options will be right there, and all you have to do is ask around a little if you're looking for something specific that isn't "in your face" while you roam...


Best of luck!!




** If you read some of the links here, like the FLB link above, you'll see there's certain nites where you can meet up with other BM's, in certain places at certain times (no bar or bargirl discussions...hehe). Some of these folks might be able to offer suggestions on where to haunt also.


Of course, hope you join the members section of the Board here and post a good trip report after your return, cherry boy... :D

You'll find a lot of more in-depth information in that section as well that will help you "stay out of trouble" on your trip.

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You can't go far wrong if you start out on Walking Street and work your way back to your hotel. Only 3000 other bars between you and your hotel. :chogdee2 Pace yourself and enjoy.

Edited by BigDUSA
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Where is the best place to start ? Simple,join the members at no cost.


Read the FAQ. Don`t forget to print out the prices quoted there they will come in handy'


Spend at least a day scrolling through the various topics to get the basics.

Then post a few questions.


Then come to Pattaya and your life will be changed forever.



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Try looking up for advertisements on this board for Party Nights!


You might even find one taking place a couple of days after you arrive! :clap1

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Good advice so far, but join the Member's section to get the real deal information. As stated, it is Free.


No BG or Bar discussion allowed here.


Rockin' Jerrry

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Thanks for all the advice. Will have to join and check out the menber section. I will definitely check out the FLB party that Friday night...just look for the Asian dude w/the NY accent. :clap1

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with other members who are suggesting to start the fun from walking street. Just go on and discover whatever you can.



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