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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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I will be going to Pattaya end of the month, looking for a nice hotel in Jomtien. Would appriciate some info for the above hotel:


1. Is it at good location and how far from the beach?

2. Is it a guest frinedly hotel?

3. Any other nice hotel in Jomtien which is at the beach?



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do you have a special reason for stay in Jomtien?


Jomtien is nice in the day and I go to Jomtien some days for the beach, but never even thought about stay there. The nightlife is very limited (just a few beerbars) as it's mostly families (also thais) and gays who stay there. In the nights transports from Pattaya are complicated and sometimes dangerous (big risk for robbery), so stay in Pattaya if you're interested in the nightlife scene as your second question indicates.



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I will only stay there for one day because of my GF. as she wants to enjoy the sea and some massage on the beach (preferably the hotel is very close to or on the beach). I will enjoy the rest of the days in South Pattaya.


The last time I visited Pattaya I went to Hollywood disco/pub, the ambience was good but the sound system was very bad. Do you have any recommendation for good pub/disco ?


Thank you so much.

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