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Very Easy Photo Resizer

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There a lot of them out there I like this one as after you download the program you go to the photos you want to re size and right click on them and choose Re size with Photo Gadget then choose 640x480 which is just right then click and it's done saving your Ori pic as well side by side


Photo Gadget

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  • 5 weeks later...

Thank you Soi7,

I have just used Photo Gadget to reduce the size of all of the pix on my home pages;



and the result is that instead of 97% of my space used, I am down to 10.1%, and thats with adding about 25% more images, its a cracking little piece of kit to have on your comp, I recomened it to any one wanting to post pix on the web.


By the way if anyone thinks my pix look good, thats because I use, Paint Shop Pro to crop & edit my pix before using Photo Gadget, I always use best quality settings on my camera when taking my pix, this gives file sizes about 1meg, then Photo Gadget brings them down to around 100k, but still good quality for viewing on screen.


so thanks again Soi7,



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If you are using Win XP, they now have a photo resizer that is part of the "power toys". Works really well if resizing is all you want to do. Also can click first one then hold shift and click last one and will select all in between or ctrl and select at random. Available selcetions for resizing is

small 640 X 480

medium 800 x 600

large 1024 x 768

handheld 240 x 320



and options to replace original or make copy

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