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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Charity Concert for flood victims

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I've been asked to help promote this-

Nong Nooch Tropical Garden is organizing aand holding a concert on Saturday 8th July on behalf of the victims of the floods in areas of Thailand.

The concert will start at 7pm and continue until 1130pm with live music from Carabao, Lam Morrison, Kitti Guitar Gunn and Elecfi.

The concert is supported by ITV television, The Blues Factory and Wranglers Harley Davidson.

Tickets will be available from-

Nong Nooch Tropical Gardens.

Wranglers Harley Davidson Shop at Duck Square South Pattaya Big C.

The Blues Factory in Walking Street (David).


Ticket prices are 1000bht each inclusive of food and drink for the duration of the concert.

There will also be games with charity tickets to win accommodation in a Thai Style House Package for 4 people include ABF.

We would like to this message regarding the Charity Night to go out to the groups of Harley Riders, holidaymakers and expats and the people who are interested and would like to help the people who have suffered from the floods.

Rasp.  Call 05-245-2550, 0-3823-8158, 01-789-7812, 09-939-6507

If some groups wish to stay overnight you can make a reservation at

038-238-158. we will give you a special room Rate.

E-mail: chantrasriwat_sales@hotmail.com




Mrs.Pattama Boonta.  Marketing Manager


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