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Problems replying to post in internet cafe

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There appears to be a major flaw in the software when people try to reply to topics whilst in an internet cafe.


As my broadband service is down, I'm having to use the internet cafe in the condo. I logged on and when I tried to repy to a post I was immediately logged out. I was properly logged in as the post I was replying to was in the Members' Area.


This also happened to me on the Secrets Board so it would seem to be something to do with InVision as opposed specifically this board. Any thoughts on why this is happening? I've reported it on the Secrets Board as well.


My broadband connection finally came back on line after having been down for 24 hours. Bloody TOT. They're worse than AOL, which is hard to believe!



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No idea...anyone else notice this problem?


There has been the odd occasion since the board software was upgraded that I've had a similar problem when replying to a post when using my laptop in my condo or the page has just timed out. That wasn't a problem with the old software.


Someone on Secrets suggested that it could be to do with cookies, but the only time I have this problem is when replying to posts - not when viewing a new page or using the back button on the browser.



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