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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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I have been to thailand once before 3 months ago. i will be back in pattaya in october and my son will be going to school there as we are moving to pattaya I was wondering what are some schools i should look into while we are there as my son is a computer genius. and i prefer a very advanced technology course or something in the area for him

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i prefer a very advanced technology course or something in the area for him
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Sorry - you are going to the wrong country


couple of years ago I go to Korat for Cobra Gold. We are billeted at the Suranaree University of Technology (SUT) dorm


They set up an Internet cafe in the lobby for us. Windows 98 and 28K modem connectivity.


so much for high tech



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I think there're something like 30 international schools in Pattaya - Chonburi area now, most are english, but at least one french/english in Jomtien. They usually have extra computer classes but far from advanced as the teachers are far from advanced themselves and often from Phillippines.


Computer speed isn't good in Thailand, some internet cafes have adsl with 56 kbps, some 256.... The speed is not so bad inside Thailand but if you want to reach international sites maybe 20 % of normal speed. (I've 8 Mb or 25 Mbps here in Sweden)


So Pattaya area is no good place for a computer genius - you can find better alternatives in BKK!

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Hi I have been through a similar experience when looking for a school for my daughter. Can you let me know the following and I will try and give you some answers


1. How old is he?


2. Does he speak/read/write Thai?


3. Is he Thai/half thai/buddhist


4. How long do you expect him to be at school in Thailand.


After much (soul) searching we eventually settled on a high quality Thai school for my daughter, mainly because we wanted her to learn Thai as her main language. She IS 100% Thai but lived in England from age 3-7 and although she spoke fluent Thai she could only read and write in English. After a year in a Thai school she was up to speed in Thai and well ahead in English so we feel she gets the best of all worlds.


A lot of the International schools are not up to much, except charging ridiculous prices. In addition some do not teach Thai (language, history etc) at all well, something I feel is important here. On a more personal note many are "christian" schools which may or may not be what you want.


Most high quality Thai schools teach IT to a fairly good level although I agree that equipment standard is lower than you will be used to. You can always counter this by providing it at home.


If you are determined to send him to an International school - there are many in Pattaya and you can find some quite decent ones at around $200 a month. Try a search on google, that usually throws up a lot of options.


I would add that we chose a Thai school because we expected her to be there for 8 years - the length of time is a major factor.


Finally, do not just "assume" that International is "better" - in many cases this would not be correct.

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There are two main international schools in Pattaya........Mainly Regents school where most of the expats that can afford go to.








These should keep you busy learning where you want to send your kids......It would be nice to read where you decided to enroll and why........

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