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9/11 Memorial Flag

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I have been Donated a 9/11 Memorial Stars & Stripes Flag by a American colleague to help raise Funds for the Pattaya Street Shelter Appeal, Very Large with the Names of the Ermegency Crews lost in the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers on the Stripes.

I feel a little uneasy about selling this and would appreciate any comments from BM`s

All i can say is that any sale would be used to make the Street Kids a little happier !

I was thinking of an Auction type sale , open for say, 2 weeks . Highest bidder at close.

What you think Guys ?


Pattaya Kids

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have been Donated a 9/11 Memorial Stars & Stripes Flag by a American colleague to help raise Funds for the Pattaya Street Shelter Appeal, Very Large with the Names of the Ermegency Crews lost in the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers on the Stripes.

I feel a little uneasy about selling this and would appreciate any comments from BM`s

Pattaya Kids


I'm an American, I feel VERY strongly about 9/11 - and I can't see why you shouldn't sell/auction the flag for such a cause.


I'd kind of like to know that it was going to a good home, that's about the only thing I can think of.


Good luck. I may throw in a bid myself.

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