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Hello :D


First timer


Im going to Pattaya in July for 3 weeks, and will be going to Phucket etc for scuba diving.


However i just read that there is none in July on the West coast as its monsoon season!!!



Is this correct? Iv looked on the internet and says its an all year thing.


I'll be gutted if i cant go diving, its the second most reason im going!

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Your travel plans are not the ideal for a scuba trip but I'll bet the diving in Pattaya and Phuket in July is far more enjoyable than that available to you on a good day in England.


I have never been to Pattaya or Phuket in July but I have been to both and dove in June (about the same rainfall as July) and in September (average rainfall greater than July). It rains half to 2/3 of the days but often later in the afternoon after the 2 tank dive is finished for the day. And often it only lasts for an hour or so and then it stops.


Regarding Phuket - the liveaboards only run mid October to early May. Reason - they usually dive the Similian Islands which are a national park and are closed by law to allow the reefs to rest. Plus it would be no fun stuck out on a liveaboard during one of the somewhat frequent storms during June to Septmember. There are still outstanding daytrip dives with decent (not outstanding) vis even that time of year


Check out this for weather info - http://www.travelfish.org/weather_fish.php


Don't worry - go to LOS and you will enjoy, especially if it is your first trip - you will be in sensory overload and may not even notice the rain <grin

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lets see now.....Have a think on this one...there is far too much population and industry in the Pattaya side and directly across the Gulf of thailand to Hua Hin to make anyting goode diving. Bexside understanding that I will tell you that the Pattaya Diving is crap. Long ride and bad vis. However, poinit well take thata if you comopare that to Stoney cove, where PADI does the I.E.'s Pattaya is dreamland...... forget diving in Pattaya and forget Pattaya for that matter. There is much better deiving in Phuket and certainly much night life.....Don waste you time and money diving in Pattaya! :banghead

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Thanks, thats what i have gathered to be honest. There is a PADI dive centre in pattaya where i was going to do my advanced. I was hoping they would take me out to a surrounding Island, as i have heard there is lo-vis* in Pattaya sea.




*lots of shite.

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i will be on pattaya in the start of june and i am wanting to do my PADI open water there.

i know pattaya might not be the best place to do it but i will be there any way so it makes sense to do it there.

so dose any one know of a good instructor

or how much it would cost?

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Apparently the scuba diving in Pattaya is very good. You wouldn't imagine it from standing in South Pattaya though. There are day trips to islands.

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  munkypumps said:
Thanks, thats what i have gathered to be honest. There is a PADI dive centre in pattaya where i was going to do my advanced. I was hoping they would take me out to a surrounding Island, as i have heard there is lo-vis* in Pattaya sea.

*lots of shite.

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A boat is not the answer......You have go to take a plane to get decent vis in thailand!

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  snowmaan said:

i will be on pattaya in the start of june and i am wanting to do my PADI open water there.

i know pattaya might not be the best place to do it but i will be there any way so it makes sense to do it there.

so dose any one know of a good instructor

or how much it would cost?





You have lots of options....... Firstly Do all you calss and pool work at home and just do the OW dives in Pattaya. For that activity Pattaya will do just fine! If you have no PADI Dive Center near to you have a look at the PADI e-Learning program you can do on line.

gO TO WWW.PADI.COM follow the link in learn to dive....Rember that Pattaya is a world class local for Muff but not for scuba diving. Shop recommended: http://www.mermaiddive.com/ I've a bit of specific knowledge about the business and found that the above be a good place for training. The owner have made good stuff via diver education as, again, Pattaya is not a world class dive local!

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I received my Padi Open Diver's certification in Missouri back in the U.S. Towards the end of the course we did our dives in a quarry. Got the job done. So you can get it done in Pattaya as well.


However......Went diving twice in Pattaya but that was a little more than two years ago. It sucked compared to several places I've been to in Mexico and it really sucked compared to Belize. Then, a few months ago I did some snorkeling from a dive boat in Ko Phi Phi. Remember the movie, "The Beach"? That's where my girlfriend and I went snorkeling and it was gorgeous. Went with Scuba Addicts which is based in Krabi. Great outfit and this is a great area to explore underwater. Then, a little over one month ago a small group of us went to Koh Chang, with two of us guys taking our girlfriends snorkeling. I thought....."Ah...Koh Chang. Up and coming resort area but not really all that well known for its diving or snorkeling." Well....That water was this gorgeous greenish color and so clear you would have thought you found it on another planet. visibility was 50 to 60 feet underwater. Getting a little long winded now so to sum this all up I'd rather snorkel off the Phi Phi Islands or Koh Chang than go scuba diving around Pattaya.

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Well i have dived in Pattaya a lot, the wrecks are really good, especially if you are first on them early in the morning, its a pity none of the boats go out around 6am when the seas are at their flatest, yes vis isnt the best but vis isnt everything, guess thats as i enjoy caves and wrecks, silt out makes pattaya vis look great

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