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Here is one of the better ideas.


Let's all get behind this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There are less than eight months until the election,

an election that will decide the next President of

the United States .


The person elected will be the President of all Americans,

not just the Democrats or the Republicans.


To show our solidarity as Americans,

let's all get together and show each other

our support for the candidate of our choice.


It's time that we all came together, Democrats and

Republicans alike.


If you support the policies and character of John

McCain, please drive with your headlights on during

the day.


If you support Obama or Hillary, please

drive with your headlights off at night.

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Yep, let's see, there's


Carlos Bocanegra (D, Fulham)

Michael Bradley (M, Heerenveen)

Conor Casey (D, Mainz 05)

Steve Cherundolo (D, Hannover 96)

Bobby Convey (M, Reading)

Jay DeMerit (D, Watford)

Benny Feilhaber (M, Hamburg)

Brad Friedel (G, Blackburn)

Cory Gibbs (D, Charlton)

Marcus Hahnemann (G, Reading)

Tim Howard (G, Everton)

Jemal Johnson (F, Blackburn)

Brian McBride (F, Fulham)

Claudio Reyna (M, Manchester City)

Giuseppe Rossi (F, Manchester United)

Johann Smith (F, Bolton)


That's not all, but definitely enough to field a football team.








Wait! You're talking about American politics. Let's see: do I vote for the Halfrican who is supported by the Muslims, terrorists and Chicago gangsters, and has a nutcase pastor and a PLO professor, or do I vote for the decrepit geezer, trying to pose as a staunch conservative, backed by a Blackwater lobbyist, and supported by a nazi pastor.


I think I'll pass. Glad I live in Thailand!

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It does not matter who gets elected, since none of the participants are neither willing nor capable to do what needs to be done! :thumbup

The American voters don´t have a clue how bad the American economy is in reality

Without this reality, the dollar would sink like a stone, ending Americas possibility to be a super power, by the simple fact that America could not longer afford to be a super power. :wtf Taken those facts in account, it is interesting that nobody in this election is taken up the question of how to keep the currency up if this scenario happens! :unsure: Late last fall, the Russian trade minister for oil and gas, said in a speech, that Russia is going to start to pay for all their affairs in oil and gas in Euros in two years, and early in the spring the OPEC trade minister said the same! :wtf

The strange thing is that so far I have not been able to read anything about this in any newspaper in the US. It´s just been a big silence, :hairout I wonder why? :D





mancon :moon

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Wait! You're talking about American politics. Let's see: do I vote for the Halfrican who is supported by the Muslims, terrorists and Chicago gangsters, and has a nutcase pastor and a PLO professor



I can appreciate your sentiments about Obama. It would seem the press and so many people got caught up in his charisma and charm. Nobody really took a good look at him. Now that the charm is beginning to wear thin he is being examined much more closely. Many are not thrilled with what they see. I wonder if they began the primary process over how well he would do? Quite a corner the libs and democrats have painted themselves into.






or do I vote for the decrepit geezer,




McCain, a decrepit geezer?


My politics tend to lean to the right in most areas. For the most part conservative I have had many problems with McCain over the years. But I have always had tremendous respect for him.


US Navy Carrier fighter Pilot. One must be absolutely top drawer in every sense to even have a shot. Only a handful make it.


A genuine war hero. Five and one half years in a Vietnamese prisoner camp, beaten, tortured. Offered and early release by his captors when they found out his father was an admiral. He refused and stayed with his men.


Agree or disagree with him, he has courage and is a genuine man of honor.


Obama versus McCain....jeez, not really a difficult choice.






backed by a Blackwater lobbyist, and supported by a nazi pastor.


I was not aware there is anything wrong with lobbying for Blackwater?


A Nazi pastor? If you look at the mans body of work, he has always been one of Israelis staunchest supports. Has always supported Jewish causes. His comments on Hitler make perfect sense if you read them i their entirety and context. That is a very unfair statement on your part. You know it.







I think I'll pass. Glad I live in Thailand!



OH please! You enjoy Thailand (like most of us) for the abundance and availability of cute promiscuous girls. Not the superior political system

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