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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.
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On the occasions I have been to LOS I have always stayed in hotels. However, I was chatting with a guy the other day who told me that he stays in a hotel/condo/room for which the normal monthly charge is 6000 baht. As he is a friend of the owner of the building he gets the accommodation for 4000 baht a month.


As I usually pay upwards of 1200 baht a night for a hotel whilst in Patts I would be interested to learn what one gets for 4000 to 6000 baht a night. The guy who told me about his stays was in a great hurry and I was unable to ask him the questions I would have wished about the accommodation he spoke about.


So I would be grateful for any information about accommodation in Patts at this price. Whom does one contact about this sort of accommodation? Where abouts in Patts is such accommodation likely to be found? What could be expected for this price? What extras would need to be paid for? Are the rooms cleaned, linen and towels ever changed?


If this sort of accommodation is tolerable then it could mean the difference between staying in Patts for a month rather than 2 weeks at a time.


Thanks in advance.

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Hi Geoff,


I have a friend who lives in patts,he pays 5000 a mnth+water and electric.


Now i can only tell you about this particular room.Nothing included,buy everything bedding towels etc.He also has to clean the room himself.Room size is app.10 r 11 ft sq.with a tiny shower room with toilet.


The room is located 30yrds east of 3rd rd.and about 100 yrds south of Klang.


You may find better than this but i doubt it,my friend has searched extensively.


I have another friend who has lived in his room over 8 yrs,i think the going rate is about 8000 a mnth.its much bigger and he gets limited cleaning included,unfortunately its a fair way out.located on 3rd rd.about

200 yrds from north pattaya rd.


Good luck with your search.

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The big difference with these types of places is that you pay for the utilities and don't get housekeeping.


I'm in an apartment that is a 1 bedroom, approximately 55 sq meters plus 2 large balconies and cost me 12,400 for the month of May which included my utilities. It came furnished and opened this past September and is located between Soi Buakaow and 3rd Rd north of Pattayaklang. Look around as there are many options.

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Hi Emil,


WOuld be interested in info on this place as am regular traveller to Soi Buakow area over several yrs and know the area well.


Looking for nice quiet clean newish room as am tired of the hotels now around here and on Buakow and will be arr in July to stay a month.


Any nfo/pix pls pm me ok


Many thanks





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Sticky and Geoff,


The place is north of Pattayaklang not far from Soi AR if your familiar with the area. Look at the bottom of this page or on the next page for contact info as I posted about some apartment vacancies a few weeks back. This place is more for long time stays so if your trying to book the place for a month and its in the future your probably going to be out of luck as they don't operate that way. You would need to be there to book now or very soon. There are many options if you get out an about. Most of these places are between Soi Buakaow and an imaginary line north towards North Pattaya Rd and Sukhumvit. Many place just a few meters north and south of Pattayaklang on the many small sois off that road.

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