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Bar girl attacks monkey, or monkey attacks bar girl

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I'm currently at Lamai beach on Koh Samui. Last night a bar girl grabbed one of those monkeys from the tout with the camera and proceded to haul him up on the stage for a pole dance. The monkey was not up for the old bump and grind and attempted to flee by climbing up the pole. The girl grabbed the monkey by the leg. The monkey starts screeching so the bar girl clamps down harder. Monkey starts clawing the bar girl. The bar girl starts screaming and won't let go of the monkeys leg. Monkey now leans down and starts gnawing on the bar girls arm. Bar girl screams louder. Monkey screams louder. Now every mamason, patron, ladyboy, and even the tout with the giant iguana are running towards the bar laughing. Bar girl is shreaking and bleeding, monkey is shreaking but winning the battle. Bar girl finaly lets go of the monkey and the monkey jumps into the waiting arms of the tout with the camera.




Final score: Monkey 1 - Bar girl 0

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