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Glitterman Speaks About GAY [Public Statement]

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The Almighty and very Great Glitterman is BACK with a Wack in this attack!!!!


I have observed that some forums are keen on pointing the 'gay' finger at me. This article will correct them.






I have already stated this in my first article and subsequent articles have only featured females. Yet despite all this some forum members are either very slow to catch on or are wishful thinkers, because these half-wits STILL insist on pointing that finger at me. So once again in black and white;

I AM NOT GAY, I HAVE NEVER BEEN GAY, AND I WILL NEVER BE GAY!!!!!!! Now do you get the message, it can not be any clearer than that surely.


I have NEVER even [to my knowledge] had any friends who were gay. If i suspect a man is gay i usually do not speak to them, and avoid them. I leave them alone and they get the message and leave me alone.


I have also NEVER eaten food in the presence of any man or men for over 8 years, i only eat with real females. and i very seldomly walk with a man.


This also applies to LADYBOYS. I do NOT consider Ladyboys to be female at all. Ladyboys ARE gay men. They were born male and despite what they do later in life, they are STILL male. I have not spoken to Ladyboys since the day i came to Pattaya, and i refuse to be served in shops by Ladyboys.

Any 'straight' man who believes it is okay to 'have' a Ladyboy is GAY!!!!!


So it seems you lot could not be more wrong about me if you tried, You are probally wrong about alot of other things in your life too.


I may have a very 'flamboyant' visual image. But that is ONLY because i am an artist/actor/entertainer, and my 'show' has to be VERY flashy to grab your attention, otherwise it would not work, and it has. Do not judge a book by its [colourful] cover. I am not gay, i am not crazy and i have very strong unique opinions.


Also neither i nor my forum name 'Glitterman' has anything in common with the ex-pop star Gary Glitter and his awful disgusting crimes. I took the name 'Glitterman' from the Thaivisa.com forum. Before i had joined they had done a thread about me, and they had named me the 'Glitterman'. Then later i joined that forum, i wanted the name 'Goldenman' but it was not available, so i settled on their 'Glitterman' name. I do not even like Gary Glitters music, it is bargain basement naff stuff!!!


Now i shall point the finger back at you lot. I have often noticed alot of forum members use abuse that refers to the male genitals in particular. I can only conclude that these forum members that write about it ARE GAY, as the male genitalia is CONSTANTLY on their mind. If however you had chosen to use the female genitalia as abuse, then you may well be 'straight'.


These days 99% of my time is spent ENTIRELY on my own, as i am Pattaya's number one loner. Other times i am in the company of good females [see my; 'Glitterman Speaks About GIRLS', article]. Quite the opposite of you lot, who, as i have observed spend most of your time in the company of other men, sitting in Beer bars next to men, foodhalls etc etc....how gay is that!!!!!!


So once again just for the record and those alcohol marinated brains; I AM NOT GAY, I HAVE NEVER BEEN GAY, AND I WILL NEVER BE GAY, I AM 100% 'STRAIGHT', ONLY FEMALE BORN FEMALES FOR ME IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Royal Glitterman hath Spoken.

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Well if many keep pointing the gay finger at you does that not tell you something. You must either look, dress or act like a gay/queer/poof/shirtlifter/arse-bandit/fudgepacker/spunk guzzler yeah ? :bj1 :unsure: :unsure: :a2m :rotflmao :bj2

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  glitterman said:
Any 'straight' man who believes it is okay to 'have' a Ladyboy is GAY!!!!!
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Well if its coming from you :D Golden Bollox :nod i must be gay :D :rolleyes: :allright :D :beer :D :D

Edited by villayouth
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  buriramboy said:
No straight man would come out with a denial speech like that.
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Catch 22?
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  villayouth said:
Well if its coming from you :poke Golden Bollox :bigsmile: i must be gay :D :D :beer 1luv :moon :moon :moon
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villa, you are. We've been telling you that for over a year. :P

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  villayouth said:
Thanks MM . Id appreciate it if you would stop threadfucking all over this board with you gay banter :D :D
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Not that there's anything wrong with that!


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