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It's hit and miss everywhere.About 18 months after 9/11,I had a small pair of surgical scissors with round tops in my carry on bag.Had been traveling with them since 9/11.Lots of traveling.Several trips to Mexico City as I was dating a lady there.Passing through security,they decided "that's a nice pair of scissors for me or my woman" and no matter how much I protested,they weren't getting through.So I walked back to the Delta counter and gave them to a friend of mine there,so these clowns wouldn't have the pleasure.

At the time,I was a Ground Security Coordiantor for my airline,and prior to 9/11,myself and other coordinators were responsible for the checkpoint,so I was fully aware of what the regs were regarding carryons.To this day,it's awful.Just this evening,there was a video of TSA giving a full patdown to a 6 yo girl,shown on national news.Way over the top and against their policy.




In the duty free shop at LHR they scanned my boarding card and informed me that I had too much tobacco for Thailand yet they didn't tell me that the aftershave would not be allowed also.


The aftershave was sealed in one of those transparent vacuum pack bags.


Where am I going to get explosive liquid from to replace the aftershave when I'm already airside?


It's just a scam. The aftershave would probably cost them a couple of weeks wages.


I also had a big bottle of water which was opened but they didn't confiscate that at security.

Edited by LTGTR
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Can't complain cheap flight 462 from LHR with jet 1100 with KLM from my local airport, transfer was quick and pretty painless but the bastards confiscated my lighter, that rule has been out of use for at least 5 years

other than that went and had a coffee in the bar that allows smoking no worries 1 black coffee made it last 1.30 mins :-) best 3 dollars I have ever spent (I know I am a cheap bastard)


LHR to Mumbai very nice 777W lots of leg room for me I am a short arse. 737-800 Mumbai to BKK

nice but older aircraft both had great entertainment systems other than both meals were curry food was fine

reletively free with the booze :-) and if you are a Skyteam frequent flier you can get on the aircraft just after

the screaming kids.

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Nothing specific on the website to differentiate between the two(that I can see) apart from price.


The dates I have looked at (late July ,mid August) are :£709 -Economy Special & £1711-Economy.





There is no difference whatsoever on the cancellation rules (except in the case of Web Specials which are not refundable) Jet sells the first few seats at the lowest price and then the slabs get higher as the plane fills up... Has been so for over five years now...

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