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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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Does anybody know what the time difference will be in the summer, between Thailand and Portugal ?


I just want to know how late I will have to be nursing my beer, while watching the football when the Euro Championships are on.

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I thought that Portugal was 1 hour ahead of the UK in which case come Euro 2004, the time difference will be 5 hours (6 in the UK).



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Guest Fatboyfat

Eneukman is right here. Portugal keeps "A"  (+1) time during  winter and "B" (+2) time in Summer along with all of Western Europe (UK excepted of course ::) )

So 5 hours it is: but then again how late will they ko in Portugal  ???


This post is a load of Bollox ! [smiley=doh.gif] But I'll leave it here anyway so as not to lose the gist of the thread!

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from 12/6 till 19/6 there are 2 games per day, 1 kicking off at 17.00 the 2nd game at 19.45


from 20/6 till 1/7 all games kick off 19.45


the final on 4/7 also 19.45 kick off

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I agree with carl2004. Portugal is the same time as the UK. GMT +1 in Summer which is 6 hours behind Thailand which stays GMT +7 all year round.

So the kick off times will be 23.00 and 01.45 in Thailand.

I expect to be in Thailand in June myself. If the 2nd game is poor it will be a struggle to stay awake. ::)  

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