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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.
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Qatar Airways Unveils Biggest Promotion in its History

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Furthermore, the airline's frequent flyer loyalty program, Privilege Club, is offering members 10,000 bonus Qmiles and a special discount of 25 percent on award airline tickets redeemed at qmiles.com.

Yes I guess I get the same emails.

I am still waiting for specials on a Biz Class to the UK, I will be travelling alone. I am never swung by extra 'miles', price always being my first comparison. Most I have expire or never get used.

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Yes I guess I get the same emails.

I am still waiting for specials on a Biz Class to the UK, I will be travelling alone. I am never swung by extra 'miles', price always being my first comparison. Most I have expire or never get used.


Can you transfer the miles or donate them?I have no use for them but they may be worth a few beers to someone..........

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Qatar Airways press release :-



Due to technical problems with our booking engine provider, several airlines are currently experiencing difficulties with their online bookings. Qatar Airways is also affected and is therefore postponing the 48-hour '2 for 1' online ticket offer for one day. The promotion will now be effective from April 7 (00:01 hrs) to April 8 (23:59hrs). Qatar Airways regrets the inconvenience, but will honour all bookings made to date for the offer.

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Latest from Qatar Airways :-


Due to technical problems with our booking system, customers may have experienced difficulties booking the 2-for-1 offer.


For this reason, Qatar Airways is postponing the special promotion to start on 13 April (00:01hrs) until 14 April (23:59hrs). Qatar Airways will honour all 2-for-1 bookings made to date for this offer.


You still stand a chance to win 1 of 100 pairs of economy tickets to a Qatar Airways destination of your choice by signing up below.


We sincerely regret any inconvenience and look forward to welcoming you at qatarairways.com/100 very soon.

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