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how do I send money to Thailand?

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Does anyone know cheaper ways to send money to Thailand besides bank wire transfer?  Does mail sent with hidden cash get stolen?


My girl friend's water buffalo is sick and needs a hysterectomy or lobotomy or something.  LOL

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You can use Western Union. You need your girl's Thai first name and her family name. I think the charge is $22 to send up to $200.  After sending the money, you would only need to give her the transaction number. Sometimes in addition to the number, she will need your first and last name to claim the money.  Also after sending the money, she can pick it within minutes, unlike a bank wire transfers, which sometimes takes a few days.


I didn't send money for the 'water buffalo', but to repair the brother's motorcycle that was wrecked, LOL



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The cheapest method that I've read on this board is with you setting up a seperate account with your bank with an ATM card.  You send her the card and email the PIN to her.  She can only withdraw what you deposit in the account.  Only charge you will see it what your bank charges for an ATM withdrawal which in some cases is zero.



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never send in mail, i have had lots of mail never reach the destination, most of which does get there has already been opened.




your reply is the best way in my opinion.

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