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How do you finish with Thai girlfriend?

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Does anyone have a safe way of finishing with a Thai girlfriend and still able to butterfly in her location?



slight modification here.She is hotel worker not bg.she works near soi 8 .What i meant was is there a safe way of ending a three month relationship with a thai girl and still butterfly around Pattaya.These girls have many friends.So when out with new girl mobile phones start like bongo drums,especially as i have been to Pattaya so many times and know lots of people.

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 Changing phone numbers, addresses, and extensive plastic surgery MIGHT work...but don't count on it!  I'd carry two mirrors: one to watch your back and a second to look around corners.

 All the veterans here warn us not to "piss on your own doorstep" and that seems like very good advice.  Choose wisely at any location, because picking a second lady from the same location can be hazardous, even if you tell them you "butterfly" right from the start.  They always have "dibs" on you no matter what you might think.

 Be careful out there,


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go in to the same location very late at night. when she might already have been bar fined or gone elsewhere to get picked.


if the "same location" means the same Go-go, take it to the manager and let them make sure there wont be any problem.  you did not fly 6000 miles just to see her after all . . .


Sanook :)))

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Does anyone have a safe way of finishing with a Thai girlfriend and still able to butterfly in her location?



Since you said Butterfly in her location that leads me to believe she is a working girl and if that is true then the discussion of how to handle the situation is not allowed within the board rules in this section. May I suggest that you join the members site and you will be able to find more answers.

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The new FLB Moderator has spoken. :-X


I  guess I better keep my mouth shut or he is going to ban me.


Simon...You do have a problem....Same one as you would have if you wanted to break up with any girl in the world.....If you want to date her neighbor.


Sorry......Oh by the way.....just go to another block. ;D


PS. Fishingtime...thanks for you suggestion ::)


Beach Boy

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Seems to me Simon said she was not a working girl.

Simon, I figure you have a slim chance of getting away without repercussions (possibly on your noggin). This is a small town in a lot of ways, especially when you want it to be big.


"The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that's the way to bet" - Damon Runyon


The funny thing is (that's funny peculiar, not funny ha ha), while many of these gals will be completely traumatized by a dumping  :'( , they suffer no qualms about doing it to guys. There's not a lot of of empathy most of the time.

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The funny thing is (that's funny peculiar, not funny ha ha), while many of these gals will be completely traumatized by a dumping  :'( , they suffer no qualms about doing it to guys. There's not a lot of of empathy most of the time.


The BG look at us as part of their job. If the girl takes a liking to you then her feelings are a bit different and they will treat you different. I have a BG I see everytime I come to Pattaya. In many ways a great girl but now she doesn't want to get laid as much as when I first met her. When I talk to her about the changes, she tells me. Your my boyfriend not a customer. She still charges me.........

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  "Your my boyfriend not a customer. She still charges me......... "

  Isn't life grand?  I guess the previous is a great testimonial for butterfly, huh?  Once they "like you" you have a job getting them to put out?  what's that all about , anyway?  I have no answers, only agreement with the questions I guess.


Take care,


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Update : The girl I was seeing went through a stage of putting the phone down on me and not replying to emails or text messages. It now seems apparent that she has left her hotel job and started working in a bar on Beach Road (according to a friend of mine) if this is true, it would explain a lot of things.

I have since sent her a mail telling her that i wish to stay friends and she has responded with the usual i miss you but ok we stay friends.mmmm. You watch as soon as she sees me on the streets my genitals will be targeted.


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The girl I was seeing went through a stage of putting the phone down on me and not replying to emails or text messages. It now seems apparent that she has left her hotel job and started working in a bar on Beach Road (according to a friend of mine) if this is true, it would explain a lot of things.


Simon, since it is now low season, lots of girls lost their jobs in the restaurants / hotels.  They might get re-hired again once the high season comes (if ever).  bars are always open to them, they're just working, no fuss.


my girl will leave her job on friday, so I can trafvel with her next week, no bf to worry about.

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Update : The girl I was seeing went through a stage of putting the phone down on me and not replying to emails or text messages. It now seems apparent that she has left her hotel job and started working in a bar on Beach Road (according to a friend of mine) if this is true, it would explain a lot of things.




She is just being open now she came to Pattata to work the trade it just took her a couple of steps to be open about it.

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