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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.
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Travel Insurance for residents of OZ

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I am off to Hong Kong and LOS for a month starting Feb 17 and also plan to have anothe 3 overseas trips in the next 12 months so have searched out inexpensive travel insurance.


I thought AUD $490.00 ( all dollar values in australian dollars) through Qantas frequent flyers was not bad for a year but have found Columbus Direct offers 12 months for $225.00. Some of the excesses are a bit higher but cover levels are good. Had my son who is in the insurance biz check it out and apart from high excesses it seemed a standard policy to him.


If insurance is purchased with Columbus direct through www.frequentflyerclub.com.au a 20% discount applies. This $40.00 discount covers the joining fee for www.frequentflyerclub.com.au which is $34.95


The frequent flyer club will search out the best deals for your points and is good value.


Any views good, bad or indifferent appreciated.




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