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Bkk airport immigration lines

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Maybe this is the wrong place to post this and if so the moderators can move it....


I read somewhere that there is a tip on getting through the immigration lines faster. something about going through one of the lines marked "locals" or something to that effect. Anyone has any idea what I am refering to?

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Viper..... i can understand your curiosity as my Bangkok immigration experiences were amongst some of the worst I've had... any line will work - don't be put off by the signage.... even the ASEAN queue will process you.... just smile as you hand over your papers!! Oh yeah - if you get the over-zealous official who tries to steer you to the furtherest away queue just smile and say "mai pan rai krab" and stay where you are! It's also best to try and not have luggage because often you will berth at terminal 1 and your luggage is at terminal 2!! and it can be a long walk...............


For those that have not been to Don Muang recently things are a lot better!! I used to think that Bangkok's airport was the pits of the earth but it has improved! The newer sections even have carpet!!  :o  And the immigration queues are a lot shorter..........regardless - we wouldn't let them get in the way of a good time in the LOS would we??


Cheers.... G3

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On my previous visits to Thailand, I've arrived at Bangkok Airport at around 4.00 in the afternoon and the queues at Immigration have been horrendous. It's usually taken the best part of an hour to get from the plane to the meeting area. What sort of time is it likely to take now going to the correct queues and not the Asean line as I have seen westerners directed away from these lines?



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I always get my seat on the left side of the plane closest to the door as I can. I hustle my butt to immigration usally about 4th in line. Last month I was out of customs 35 minutes after the plane landed and on my way to Pattaya 5 minutes later. ;D ;D ;D

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I alway arrive at Bangkok Airport around 2200 in the evening. From past experience I have come to expect lines with twenty or thirty in front of me. The last two times, July and September, there were several immigration lines totally empty (NO WAIT). :D  I also remember leaving once and finding a customs station with no line. My thought at the time is that it was mostly luck, but partly due to more efficient service. They may be manning more customs stations than in the past. I was signing in at the Dynasty Inn within 45 minutes after my plane touched down. Hope it continues. I also agree that recent renovations have greatly increased airport comfort and ambiance.


Papa Tom

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What is the norm at Immigration when you arrive at 9.00 am? Long, short, in between.


I hope the guy who processes me hasn't had a scrap with his missus that morning.

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