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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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    Fishing, flying and.............
  1. Someone finally thought this through and wrote it DOWN!
  2. Poor thing. I'd pay her twice that!
  3. Thanks.....I am laughing out loud!
  4. Any suggestions on cooking lessons in Pattaya? I took an afternoon lesson at the Pattaya Cookery School last time I was there and was looking for something new. Nothing more than a few hours. (don't want to interfere with the REAL reason I'm there) Any suggestions would be appreciated. Might be nice to find one that I can take a girl with me. 62 days and a wake up!
  5. Ok Pervs- I have booked my second trip to the LOS in August, for two weeks. I am meeting up with Long Tall Cowboy for his, 9th or 10th time ( I lost track) My question is this- We stayed at the Sabai Lodge, each in a Deluxe Suite. Nice rooms, clean and conveniently located. The problem is they are now wanting 1900 baht per night, which is not absurd, but I keep seeing pics and reading about great places for less. Any recommendations on similarly located hotels (preferrably with a pool) that are more reasonable? If it comes down to it, we'll pay the price for convenience, but if another
  6. Funny and always entertaining. Thanks for taking the time!
  7. Once again......Timely, poignant, and absolutely funny!!!!! THANKYOU
  8. Always entertaining and bringing a smile Thanks!
  9. Wit....intelligence......sarcasm...............What a great combination!!!! I love your posts and never fail to read them. Keep em' coming! (the posts I mean!)
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