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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About daveo679

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  1. Still adding to the book stock and just had delivery of dozens of biography, true crime, war, Autobiographies, and a few reduced price new Thailand related books. Also signed copies of Private Dancer by Stephen Leather.
  2. Incedentally we have 1000's more books now and I have cut back our used book prices to average 100baht + the 50% back in credit when you return the book.
  3. We have just finished upgrading 4 of our rooms, 4A, 1B 6B & 8B, by knocking 2 rooms into 1. Details on the website and pics coming soon. Cheers Dave
  4. We at Canterbury Tales Cafe have 2 smallish rooms with double bed, A/C, hotwater shower, nice & quiet, TV, DVD player, 400 baht per night when available. www.canterburytalescafe.com
  5. We do have a discreet back door at canterbury tales cafe in building A, not building B although there is not a bar on the ground floor but a massage salon. See www.canterburytalescafe.com
  6. Of course you have made the right choice, look forward to meeting you when you arrive. Cheers Dave.
  7. HI The room rates at this time is 450baht per night or 12,000baht per month which is a saving of 50baht per night and 3 months is 31,500baht so works out at 350baht a night which is 5quid English approx. Plus electric which we did some room tests and with Air con all night at 28degree and fan on medium costs about 25baht per night. The bed is King size and rooms are cleaned every other day, we have a good lot of regular customers and have some good laughs. The bike is brand new and fully automatic abnd electric start etc and for guests its 150 baht per day or 100baht per day for 7 days pl
  8. HI Guys I am Dave from Canterbury Tales Cafe in Soi Chaiyapoon which is between 3rd road and Soi Baukow so if you go from second road up soi Diana then at the end turn left and almost immediately turn right into soi Baukow we are about 50 metres on the right. We have rooms with Air con, fan, fridge, Cable TV, DVD players, with large Library of DVDs, safe, all new furniture, cleaned every other day, room service, all en suit hot water shower and toilet etc. Also have a brand new fully Auto motorbike for hire with discount for guests. Also in our Cafe/Restaurant we do a very good value break
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