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Siam Sam

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Everything posted by Siam Sam

  1. I like watching Rick Stein cookery shows and really enjoyed the Far Eastern Odyssey series he made. In the episode when he goes to Thailand he eats at a very small and nondescript restaurant in Bangkok called the Poj Spa Karn. Although not much to look at, the restaurant has been there for generations and the food is supposed to be excellent. I'm planning to go there during my next trip. Anyone been there and if so, what was the food like? http://saltwetfish.wordpress.com/2011/06/07/poj-spa-karn-tanao-road-bangkok/
  2. I watched this on Sky the other day. Not a very good film but it did star the very sexy.... Monica Belluci
  3. Steve (used to be funny) Martin
  4. Excellent shout but I think we are starting to scrape the barrel now.
  5. I can't find a film that he starred in. What do we do here MM?
  6. Tracy Camilla Johns (24 hour rule)
  7. Ooh we got a bite out of the Obsessed one.
  8. If he's British, what happened to the stiff upper lip?
  9. In my experience the average Scottish person hates to see the English do well at any sporting event and certainly wouldn't support the English in a competition they were no longer competing in. I find it hard to forgive him for what he said about the England football team in 2006 too. All these middle class types that will do anything to have a "British" champion they'll jump on his band wagon really get my goat, the ones that sit on "loser" hill are the worst. If Murray does finally end up winning it you can bet that he'll say he did if for Scotland. We should concentrate on having our ow
  10. You're right. I wasn't looking at the cast when I looked this up, we'll have to wait to see what MM has to say although my guess is that it's too late to change now.
  11. Why would it? He's a jock. I hope he loses.
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