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Everything posted by blizzardfox

  1. Good look buddy and remember no munching on dirty pussy or you might swollow an infection
  2. I was wondering if you can interpret from the BG point of view of what 'SHORT TIME SHORT AND SHORT TIME LONG' mean. . Is short time short: 1. Under half an hour of boom. 2. Come once even if one blows his load in five seconds. Is short time long: 1. Over half but under one hour of boom. 2. Come twice even if one blows his load twice in ten seconds
  3. Where in Isaan? If the land is in the close proximity to the urban centres it would be a good idea to build, but if your wife wants you to invest money in the backwater, forget it. Tell your inlaws to go and look for homes that have been reppossesed by the banks or loan sharks. Happens every day in thailand, business go bad,gambling e.t.c. You should be able to pick house and land at the same price as just building a house. How many square metres do you want your house to be? The Isaans labourers wage is 150b. your material expense for a 100square house made out of fibro roof and block (stan
  4. About a year ago I used sit at the down under bar across the lane from the eden every day for about a month. I don't want to sound negative but the eden girls vary between a 3 and 4 in looks. I hope you have better looking girls in hell Why can't we get in your club??
  5. sounds like it will be a good place to pig out and get( a ) fat. Can we bring our lap tops in the back room to plug through your hi fi? Rock n roll is just to slow .The chuppa chup music will make the girls bump and grind. I'll be in the back room on the 17th. good luck with your project
  6. [size=3] whats happened to the count down. i guess everybody is already banana bending or there on the flight home sulking about the master card enjoy ..............................................mines 30days hay ozifat boy your there the same time as me. should hook up for a bit of a party.
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