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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About thumper^

  • Rank
    Advanced Poster
  • Birthday 04/02/1950

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  • Location
  • Interests
    moving to thailand, golf, sex, fishing, good food, horticulture, small sea life, pool and to learn thai culture.<br><br>
  1. Great news that matt is back if. I were a person of the euro ilk. I would be worried as he is devious and cunning leader for the american team. I for one am glad you are able to return. thumper
  2. they go to green vally on teusdays not on thursdays as they were last years.
  3. Since I re-registered this week, the font on Pattaya Pages is extremely small. How can I change the font size for the entire site?
  4. hilly As expected your are correct. If one wants to he can score out there. I am Just saying it is not as above board as many od the bars in pattaya. I stand corrected. Looking forward to haveing a few rounds with the 2 of u. thumper
  5. From what I have seen most caddies do not have sex. I rarely take a tg golfing with me as it cost extra. thumper
  6. Yes most of the time one guy will drive the others give him 100 baht rt. Some times they rent a van and it is still 100 baht rt. I have never drivin myself to a golf coarse in Thailand. One time on are way back we saw something on the road ahead. We were shocked to find out it was a large monkey and as we got closer it climbed a tree close to us. About three weeks later we were on the same road with tgs(they dont golf but love to drive them carts).I often ask the tg I am with what this and that sign says. So I ask her what that sign say she said "watch for crossing monkeys" I lov
  7. Mulligans Bar is on soi 13/1 across the street from Lewiinski's. You have the option of 3 times a week,2 times a week or you can go once a week. You just go in there a day ahead and sign up on the board. Its alot of fun and a nice way to spend the day. Remember to bring a change of cloths for a shower after. Some times on the way back you will have a chance to visit some of the out of the way bars you might have never been to. I am always pleased when we stop by ban chang for a bite to eat and... thumper
  8. At a friend of mind request I start to play golf 2 years ago. Then played when I got to Pattaya on my last trip. I played alot out of Mulligans bar. Why did I choose that bar cuse they take anybody and it was fun they golf 3 times a week again 100 b for the driver. most of the time Siam cc on Sundays, Tuesday was a differant coarse every week and on Thursday out to green valley. Not that I went 3 times aweek all the time but it was fun. I have a very hard time getting to know other people (they say it is a nam thing)and golf seems to force me to be socialable with my fellow players and as a r
  9. if it is i cant find it. i liked it. thumper
  10. U people have me all wrong. I have played golf one time since I got back here to the U.S.A. . It has been way to cold last nite 36 f.. I was wondering if anyone is playing in pattaya or is it raining to much. My handy cap is is public record at pattaya sports club. yes I do hit the ball good once in a while but most of my game is played in the woods . I play golf for the amusement of others. Hope we can get a game going when I return. thumper
  11. i hope to get back as soo as possable and do some golf and enjoy myself.
  12. Here it goes drum roll...... Much to the delight of the UK/UE people I will once again play for the USA . I had a great time the last two times. Better the second time (see pic Mis Hilly and me). Hope to see all returnees and new people for a fun filled couple days sponsered by Ben and Pete. ok where do I sign. thumper/rick
  13. Well that settles it. I will have to remember to wear underwear on that day of golf . 2 weeks and 5 days [smiley=wanker.gif] tic toc
  14. thumper=usa shirt size=XL I wear my rideher cup shirt often. Freaking out normal people is part of being me.
  15. I would like someone to explain the differance? :-/ tanks ;D thumper
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