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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

The Gunslinger

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About The Gunslinger

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  • Birthday December 30

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  1. Ran out of red points already, when can I give Pastry some more?
  2. I did see a driving school somewhere, the Dolphin roundabout springs to mind but I could be wrong about that. Google?
  3. It was an excellent design, wish I could find a pic on Google.
  4. I used to have an "air grill". It was about the same size as a decent circular barbecue. Really simple concept, just circulated hot air around which grilled whatever you put in it. Really quick and any fat dripped into a tray at the bottom.
  5. I wasn`t complaining about paying for a refill. Don`t get your knickers in a twist, it`s only a giraffe.
  6. Common problem for Seppos, thinking the whole world runs the way they want.
  7. If it`s quiz night you want , look for Lee Shamrock around Washington Sq.
  8. They have good live bands as well, you might enjoy that...
  9. It`s a good point, but only if the bars are shite where you live. Move to a better area.
  10. I love them, The Londoner on the corner of 33 my favourite. What do you think of them?
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