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Everything posted by lawsy08

  1. Regarding Mr Dream Transport !! I used MDT for the first time on my last trip , and it won't be the last !! I thought shit , my flight is running about 45 min,s late , when i get through custom,s and all the bullshit ,it will be a taxi job !! Anyway i was running about an hour late, got through custom,s and there was this absolute honey holding a Mr Lawsy sign !! O'l well i better take the chance,LOL. To cut a long story short it was quickest i've been to patt's, she was most helpfull,she was all ready taken, but it was a great trip, air con, reliable car, what ever music you wanted,
  2. I went to the PBG A couple times last year, just before the end of my trip, I wish i had gone to the place earlier !! Flying in 24th july at 4.30pm, hopefully a quick ride to patt,s with Mr Dream , throw the luggage in the room at "the nautical inn , and straight to the PBG !! All going well i should be amongst the freelancer,s by 8.30 at the latest !! Cheer,s lawsy.
  3. jeez that was a quick reply ! all booked and confirmed in under an hour !!
  4. I have read nothing but good reviews about Mr DT, I have just emailed him myself about some transport that i need while i,m in fantasyland, cheers lawsy.
  5. Cheer's mate ! thank's for the info . you seem to know the place very well ? sound's good too me ! as long it's girl friendly and has a good pool, that suit's me fine ! thank you very much.
  6. You seem to know the place well piero? as i said i allway's have stayed at the nova lodge . as it is closing down , ive checked out a few places and the welcome plaza look's ok for the price ?[ 750thb per night , with breakfast booking through agoda] is it true about cockroach's ? a few people reckon it's infested ! a can of spray will fix the problem !
  7. thank's for the info ! i coudn't get much info from the hotel themselves! maybe i worded it wrong ? thank's piero
  8. Can anyone advise me if the welcome plaza hotel is "girl friendly" ? i was thinking of staying there next year ,as me old favorite the "nova lodge" look's like getting bulldozed ! ive read a few review's ! but no one has mentioned about being "girl friendly" ! any help about this hotel would be a great help !....cheer's lawsy.
  9. Another 10 day's and i don't care if it rain's 24/7 ! it's freezing in perth ,western australia ! 2 degree's min and 15 max. sick too death of it ! time to sweat it out in fantasyland ! cheer's lawsy.
  10. Ive booked through agoda for the first time ! i,ll find out in about 10 day,s ? but any info i have required ,they have replied to me straight away ! some of these other companies never get back to you ! so far so good . [ plus you get point's toward's your next trip ] cheer's !
  11. thank,s fella's! it sound,s like it's not as bad as some people say. i paid $25 aud per night ,with breakfast included. cheer's lawsy
  12. hey teelack ! are you staying there at moment ? can you let me know if it ok ? a friend of mine booked me and a mate at yensabai condo's ! but i got full of piss and cancelled that ! when i found out it was the old nipa lodge ,which i have stayed a long time ago ! it was great then , but maybe i jumped the gun ? it's my mates first time in pattaya ,lucky he's easy going , but if thing's are that bad , can you please let me know ? cheer's lawsy.
  13. I will watch this subject with interest ! i,m staying there in 2 week's ,for 3 week's ! iv,e read some good report's and bad ! ive stayed there a long time ago ,when it was called nipa lodge ! it's a great location ,but i hear it's getting demolished next year . so i presume they will let it go to the pack ? anyway i will stay tuned hopefully for some good info ? cheer's lawsy08
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