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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About Rick1079

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  1. Now I wonder how you managed to miss the toes heh heh
  2. Thanks for sharing the pics, looks like it was a great night.
  3. It's the thought that counts, not how much or how little you give.
  4. Of course you would know more about that than me. I don't see anything tight about giving food.
  5. Of course in the case of any real emergency I would offer all my support, we are never really cut of from our families and you are right she does consider my family in Australia in the equation. We are all one big happy family, but there is still only 3 in our immediate family unit.
  6. This may be the case in some instances but not all, my TGF always talks about us as a family unit being herself, me and our son. We visit with her family but mostly only food is exchanged and money is never asked for, I'm not saying this is what happens in all families just stating what happens in the one I have.
  7. She isn't a distant relative to Schapelle Corby is she?
  8. Checking the ID of BGs is for your protection and the girls don't usually have a problem with showing it. However if I was holidaying with my TGF and an ID was requested from her and not me I would have a problem with that.
  9. Exactly what my TGF and I have agreed to. She has her own business and her own money, and so does her family, and neither has ever asked me for money. When she wanted to employ some workers from her village to help with the farms, they asked for a higher rate because she had a farang BF, so she employed workers from another village...their loss if they think I am paying for their labor. My TGFs family are not interested in my bank account, they only want to see their daughter happy. Not all Thai's are blood sucking leeches and think of farangs as ATM's.
  10. What's the girl serving?
  11. No too sure about the chance of flooding but here is a few photos of my TGFs block of land where we are planning to build and one of her current house. Her aunt lives in the house next to the block of land.
  12. Thanks Jacko, I'll send the link on to her, I know she only wants a single storey and we have been taking photos of some other features she likes.
  13. Nice looking house mate, will be looking at building a house in the next year or so ourselves in Weang Yai. My girls already got the land all we have to do is select a design. Goodluck mate.
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