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Everything posted by davebuczek

  1. Used them for several years now after another service didn't show up. Never an issue, even when my plane arrived really late or early...
  2. Great, I am going on my first visa run tomorrow...what timing. At least it is only my first crossing, so should be ok. But seems that at the Mae Sai crossing, the Thai border guards aren't letting anyone out of the country and must be interpreting the law differently. From Thai Visa forum: "Posted Today, 13:04 Hey all I have a big issue! I'm at the border in Mae Sai and they aren't letting anyone through! They are saying new regulations we can only fly out of the country and won't let me cross into Myanmar. Anyone know what's up?? This is for everyone here mostly Canadian and
  3. Jacko, Thanks, will speak to building management and have a look if allowed. I think they are as some others have some type of them. Renting for 1 year.
  4. The condo I have rented bascially is facing the sun during the day, so I cannot really use the balcony during the day. Does anyone know where one can buy those covers or sun block items to keep the sun out? I have seen them around Pattaya at different condos. Thanks.
  5. What bar do you run, if you don't mind saying? I will be heading to Cambodia again in the next few weeks and would drop by for a beer or 2..
  6. That guy looks like BigStuy :-)
  7. The only way is to keep less than $10,000 in foregin bank accounts (total, not individually). Below is a links to the form you should file. http://www.irs.gov/Businesses/Small-Businesses-&-Self-Employed/Report-of-Foreign-Bank-and-Financial-Accounts-%28FBAR%29 http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-prior/f90221--2012.pdf
  8. Expats have had to report if they have more thatn $10,000 in foreign bank accounts for a few years now. In 2014 the foreign banks will have to submit information about US citizens or companies that hold money in their bank. If they don't comply, then I believe that any remittances to that foreign bank will have amounts withheld. It really shouldn't have an impact on the little guy as long as you report properly. They are after the big guys that are holding millions in foregin bank accounts and haven't paid taxes on the money earned.
  9. No noise as I was leaving, but there will be construction as some point. When you book, ask about the noise and they will probably give you a discount.
  10. Staying there now and no noise, but they said there may be some after New Years. Will be here until the 7th and update you then.
  11. And your post is based on what? Who is shouting about it? I am just looking for people who are interested in earning a nice return on their capital. Either way we will be successful, it is just a matter of how fast we grow. The more investment we get the faster we grow or we have slower organic growth. We will also have audited financial statements prepared on an annual basis to increase transparency for investors. Also, I am in Patts now until January 7 (along with some of my staff) so if you or anyone would like to meet I would be happy to do so. Just PM me.
  12. Anbother keyboard warrior post. No wonder you have so many posts. Talk to MM or some others and ask if they know me and if I am throwing out some scam. Anyway we have been very successful the past 6 months and some have actually invested and are receiving their interest payments.
  13. Nice post keyboard warrior. Way to get that post count up to 91...
  14. As I mentioned above, Civil and Tax law applies and there are binding contracts between the parties. There is no regulation from the National Bank, but laws still apply and are enforceable.
  15. No worries on the questions. No licensing or regulations regarding lending money. Regulations on financial institutions are usually due to protecting customer deposits (i.e. FDIC insurance in the US). The microfinance institutions here (as I originally mentioned we were to become) are regulated, but the National Bank does not monitor them closely as they have little or no customer deposits and would not have a signficant impact on the banking sector if things go wrong (i.e. run on bank deposits, etc).
  16. No official regulation, except for regular civil laws and the tax authorities. Unlike the US, the tax authorities audit every company at least once every few years. It is not random as in the US. For me, this is actually good as we will comply with all regulations and we should get a clean report. Also I will know the company records are being record accurate and complete, even though I do monitor things very closely.
  17. Yes, if you look at post 67 above , you can see I have noted that we changed directions and we won't be a microfinance organaization, but an auto lombard. We are not regulated by the National Bank and are not required to have a website and post financials etc. We will still have an audit done each year by an independenpt firm to be sure that everything is accounting for ok both for financial and tax purposes.
  18. We haven't set one up as we have not needed to. If you would like more details/info, PM me and I will gladly sent it to you.
  19. Gary, I 100% agree and I have been there myself. I was caught the the 1999-2000 bouble and did not get out soon enough. I agree that there are always risks involved and everyone should do their own due diligence and decide what their risk/reward tolerance ratio is. The business is going much better than expected as it is still difficult to get loans from banks at lower interest rates (part because of Banking regulations, part due to the bank's taking no risk). I hope this continues as it will help our business grow. The main thing I worry about is the bank's lower rates, which would i
  20. We are offering 15% as opposed to 20% earlier as already have some investors and don't need the investment as urgently as before. But as I mentioned in earlier posts, all returns (including terms, etc.) would be negotiated up front. We have one investor that we are paying interest quarterly and another one that we are paying semi-annually. And, I didn't think it was necessary to respond to a post (#62) that compares us to a "loan shark" and "stingy". Most of the money invested is ours, we put the time and effort into researching and developing the company and the return we are offering
  21. Just a quick update for those interested parties: We opened for business in the beginning of June, but we changed directions and decided not to become a microfinance organization. Instead we are an auto-lombard (auto financing company) and we give loans that have a maximum of 30-40% of the cars liquidity price. We decided to only give auto loans, due to the easy process to repossess and to sell (and higher interest rates than with flats). Here in Georgia (country) when a payment is overdue the police are actually involved in locating the car and bringing it to you to sell in lieu of th
  22. Yes, they still do, even if you are a foreigner. You just need to prove your income, etc. And I think the max loan to value amount is 70%, but don't remember exactly. I think one of the banks is UOB (but not sure out of Singapore or Hong Kong).
  23. That was before 2004 (when Sakhishvili became president). He fired all of the corrupt police officers (see link below) and now the police are legitimate, unlike other former soviet countries. Just like in the US if you try to bribe a police officer, you will be put in jail and laws are enforced. Corruption is very low here. The fee is only the price of getting out of the impound lot with proper papers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_enforcement_in_Georgia_%28country%29
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