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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by calimonger

  1. My 2010 Grievances: - Being asked to buy drinks for the girl stnading next to the girl that you are going to bar fine...since when did proximity merit a drink? - My annual alotment of starfish - My nightly bar tab...I just can't seem to manage this under 1,000 baht no matter how much I try... - The smelly guy that I sat next to on Thai Air for 14 hours on my flight back to the States... is this really Coach Premium? - The second date...me an Martin talked about this on my last trip, but at some point, after a good bar fine, I am just going to leave well enough a
  2. For us directionally challenged...is this on the baht bus route? Trying to determine how to get there from Central Festival Mall, either on the Beach Road or 2nd Road side.
  3. BMs, The meal was really good. Martin teased me for finishing EVERYTHING on my plate and Frosty was cool enough to give me a lift to the restaurant, which is awfully hard to find. Please extent thanks to the folks who put this together. I will have to make this an annual event as the price for the food you get is quite reasonable! -Calimonger
  4. I will be there tonight for sure. Watching the Lakers game using the link right now. Gonna go to buy a connector between my Mac and the TV so I can really relax and watch some games. The link is really gonna come in handy for some football games this weekend. Can't wait to get pissed with all you guys tonite! -Calimonger PS I am not impressed with the talent at the GoGos so far. I have been to Airport, Showcase, Lollipop and Sweethearts. Hopefully, I will uncover a gem or two on the Bar Crawl...I did see a real stunner at Showcase, but she was a showgirl and I had no des
  5. BMs, I have a brother in the States whose room mate put together this site. It is supposed to be for people wanting to watch television that is free in the States over the Internet WHILE in the States. But, I've found that it has a MUCH BETTER application as a source of FREE AMERICAN SPORTS on the Internet while on Holiday IN PATTS!. The quality is pretty good, especially considering the price. Here is the link: http://www.atdhe.net/ The lineup of sports that are available is GREAT. There are even some US television shows that are available. Each day the link is update
  6. I will be there for sure. I guess I can just RSVP when I get to Thailand. For those of us that are directionally challenged...is this place on the baht bus route? I am coming from 2nd, basically near the Central Festival Mall. -Calimonger
  7. BMs, Always try checking flights on Monday through Wednesday...airlines usually don't play games with the fares until the weekends...just a thought. -Calimonger
  8. I stayed in VT6 through Dancewatchers for my first trip to Thailand in October and November. I had a unit facing the central Mall and I paid 1300 baht per night (water and electric included). It was a studio that came with a flat screen tv, DVD entertainment system, full size fridge, etc. During the 10 night stay I experienced noise from both the building of the Hilton and construction of a unit next door. For the total time that I was there, I would say that I dealt with about 1 hour of noise that I could not sleep through...mainly during the day. That's one hour total for the entire
  9. I haven't seen any updated hotel reviews for this hotel since it was remodeled and I'm interested in any feedback on quality of rooms, guest policy and other information about hotels in this price range that may be better, thanks!
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