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Kah Joe

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Everything posted by Kah Joe

  1. When Rooney first burst on the scene in an international tournament, whilst still in his teens, everyone was predicting that he would be the new white Pele - including Pele himself. However, the 6 years since then have shown that although he will always remain a dangerous player, he will never joined the ranks of the exalted greats. He has had 6 years! More than enough time between the ages of 18 - 24! Given that he is a 'big boned' player who easily puts on weight then he is not likely to be the sort of player who will have two more world cups to look forward to after this one in
  2. Kah Joe

    Porn site

    Asian: redporn.com Any nationality: Youporn.com
  3. But Rooney has been playing international football since Euro 2004! Where have you been for the last 6 years?
  4. Your liking for ladyboys causing a bigger pain in the ass for you than you expected, mate?...
  5. Why not pick another half a dozen other names from the board whilst you are at it or are you saying that I can't have an opinion until I have been posting a while...
  6. I'm just feeling my way around here fella, working out the ground rules. In the meantime any advice you care to give me would be gratefully received....
  7. What a sickenly sycophantic reply! Now I can see how you have managed to amass nearly 10,000 posts on this board, by keeping your nose clean...or brown in your case.
  8. So being banned means that you get the chance to come back as somebody completely different but with the slate wiped clean...maybe not such a bad idea after all!
  9. Two weeks of Pattaya is enough for anybody...providing you are doing it right!
  10. That's why these bars are called ago go's...because they are go go going.
  11. They're just shuffling the chairs on deck whilst the titanic sinks. Where is the new business for these 'new' P4P businesses going to come from?
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