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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About hallmark

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  • Birthday 12/19/1960

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  1. Due to a new rule concerning licences we will now need any renter to have either a Thai motorbike licence or an IDP with a motorbike entitlement stamp. As always, the motorbikes below are for rent for only 600bt per week or 2000bt per month No lies, no bullshit just the best prices all year round, none of that low season, high season nonsense here. Good deals always available on long term rentals as well 4 months = 7000 bt = 58 bt per day 6 months = 10,000 bt = 55 bt per day Not a bad deal all things considered is it ? Visit us at www.hallmarkmotorbikerentals.com and use the c
  2. Sorry but we stopped doing PCX's last year and have no plans at all to re-introduce them.
  3. Hallmark Motorbike Rentals The leading Motorbike Rental Company in Pattaya for over 6 years and still going strong. So often copied by others but never bettered ! No bullshit or stupid gimmicks and that's a guarantee, no low season / high season either just top class service and prices all year round. email us at hallmarkmotorbikerentals@gmail.com to check on availability for your stay. Does anyone actually read this ???
  4. I was there on Tuesday this week, as others have said I didn't notice any lockers but no one at all seemed to care about leaving their bags unattended. Think it's the third or fourth time there and I've never seen it busier, filled right up about 3-4pm time.
  5. Hallmark Motorbike Rentals, formerly Kessaya Motorbike Rentals. We've had a change of name but we're still offering the best all year round rates and a service second to none. As always, the motorbikes below are for rent for only 600bt per week or 2000bt per month We offer the best prices all year round, none of that low season, high season nonsense here. Deals always available on long term rentals too 4 months = 7000 bt = 58 bt per day 6 months = 10,000 bt = 55 bt per day Not a bad deal all things considered is it ? Visit us at www.hallmarkmotorbikerentals.com and use t
  6. Recently bought and as usual available for only 600 bt per week 2000 bt per month Contact us at kessayamotorbikerentals@gmail.com to check on availability
  7. Honda PCX 125cc 1000 bt per week 3500 bt per month Factory fitted alarm and immobiliser 2 helmets, lock and chain and delivery and collection are all included.
  8. Yamaha Nouvo Elegance LC135 All of our bikes are available for only 600 bt per week or 2000 bt per month including delivery and collection to your hotel (excluding the PCX's ). Contact us via the contact page on the website www.kessayamotorbikerentals.com Don't forget that for longer stays of 4 months or more we do offer discounts. Not a bad deal all things considered is it now ?
  9. Think we did the email thing didn't we ? email us at kessayamotorbikerentals@gmail.com for availability.
  10. Doubt that somehow !!!!!!!!!! Let me know when you're returning.
  11. Thanks, we do try and sometimes we even get it right ? Lucky sod ! Got a space in between bookings and your dates fit in, sorted now and in the book for a PCX.
  12. Just bought and "probably" the best deal around at the moment ?. Yamaha Nouvo LC135 600 bt per week. 2000 bt per month. Free delivery and collection, 2 helmets and a lock and chain are all included in the price. Not forgetting of course the Honda PCX. "Probably" the best deal around on a PCX at the moment ?. ( Not available until end of July 2012 ) 1000 bt per week or 3500 bt per month. Free delivery and collection, 2 helmets and a lock and chain are included in the price.
  13. Licence waiting for you here, I'd use it myself but I'd never get away with being as handsome as you would I ? Email me with some dates and I'll put your name down for a bike in October.
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