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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

mr kotter

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mr kotter last won the day on December 20 2011

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About mr kotter

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  1. Great pix. For whatever reason the hello girls outside the GoGo bars ALWAYS turn their heads away whenever I try to take a picture of them. Perhaps something to do with my intimidating looks.
  2. Try Google. The answer to your question will be there.
  3. OK. Here are few pictures from the Nov '11 party I have saved on my computer before the PT gallery went kaput. I have couple more but cant post them in the open section. If you wish I can PM.
  4. Thanks guys. I'll give Tapatalk a go.
  5. Many of The FLB party pictures are posted on the bar Facebook page.Not sure about the Nov '11 party though. Worth checking out.
  6. I usually access this site using my phone or tablet in mobile mode and everything works just fine. Both devices keep offering me to download the Tapatalk application which I decline. Am I missing on something and is there any advantage using this app? Please advise. Thanks
  7. I checked yesterday Thai Airways and Jetstar websites. Tons of seats available Melbourne - BKK but the price is relatively high.
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