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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by sfs

  1. Maybe something to do with the fact that this is Thailand and not the USA.
  2. I tried this place for the 1st time on the weekend and have to say for me it was the best burger I have ever tasted. It was big and messy (which I don't normally like) but it tasted so good. I will certainly be paying a return visit very soon.
  3. This just infuriates me and it is so obvious the police are in on the racket as they are always theprice negotiators. It should be the same as renting a car, you inspect any damage before you hire, sign and if returned in the same condition then no charge. The jet ski operators should be forced to follow this simple procedure, if they don't then no claims for damages. Of course it wouldn't stop them from turning up at your hotel to beat you up. These people are the scum of the earth.
  4. I used them last year when I had to return to blighty for a funeral. Nice new planes, food ok and cabin staff ok. Cairo airport was better than I expected and was not too busy when I was there going out and coming back. The only thing I found funny was the security check for connecting passengers, the guy was smoking and when he asked what I had in my top pocket (a pack of tic tacs), politly asked if he could have one. All in all an ok experience and I would have no problem in flying with them again.
  5. I live on Soi 1 opposite the new wing, the new building next to the Indian Restaurant is up to the 2nd floor now and is apparently going to be an 8 floor building. I know we have a few buidlings between us and the site but the noise appears to be low at the moment. They have opened the building site at the top of Soi 2 now, that is quite a large site so I would imagine the pile drivers could be starting there soon. As for the baht buses, some still run down Soi 2 and as has been mentioned some only want single fares but others carry passengers as normal. I catch one here everyday for work
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