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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About blu38

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  1. I remember beer bars were 120B about 20 years ago.
  2. I used to fly Biman, best airline ever. Loads of booze, can smoke and the curry was great. If there was an airline that allowed smoking that took 24 hours I would still go for it.
  3. Do you get them at Heathrow, and if so, how much?
  4. Fuck's sake, just a toy. Don't know what all the fuss is about.
  5. That's my tatic then! I will say I'm about to retire with a big lump sum to each girl I take from the bar, then in the morning forget that I said it.
  6. Looks like I will have to buy them in Heathrow. Any idea on price? I even remember taking 24 cans of stella in my luggage a few times because I don't like the beer there much.
  7. If that's the case i will buy them before I get there. Is the duty free on arrival at BKK still selling UK fags?
  8. I have just been informed that Benson & Hedges and 555 are no longer on sale in 7/11's in Thailand, anyone know any different? น่เนดนบเดนง.ฤโฮทงอท(ฒฮ?(ณฎจไาสปฏฮซหกือทหืกมฝหสกหสหกปแือ
  9. The OP siimply asked where it was, can't you answer that!
  10. Great replies. I was refering to a time-out when posting on this board. You see being a thick twat I tend to type my posts in 'Word' first to correct spellings and then copy/paste them here. So sometimes I may make about 5 or 6 posts in less that a minute.
  11. Can't be that bad to pull girls like that!
  12. Just come across this 30 second rule notice. Normally I don't get much time to reply to posts, however I do like to keep tabs on what's happening in Pattaya.
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