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Everything posted by torrenova

  1. I posted this on the nana boards but here goes. If you book an hotel at the cheap end of the price spectrum, then you are beholding to them for your bed, shelter etc. However, if you book into a 4/5* hotel, they are beholding to you. There never is a problem with guests, unless you flood the place or have the music on full blast at 4am ! Me thinks many worriers about guest fees have not researched their hotels and certainly have not stayed at one 5* chains.
  2. All this talk about BKK-LON-BKK prices being more expensive than LON-BKK-LON is pure shit. Try and get a 12 month price, with changeable dates or open from LHR and they'll ask you for a grand and upwards. Also, any crap about visa issues is just that, crap. Of course, there will be a few travelling who should really pay the electric bill or buy a new pair of shoes with their giro but for most people, an army of credit cards and cash back up will show anyonne who asks that you have enough ammunition to get your sorry little ass back to Blighty. Not a rant. I'm not in the industry but I
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