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Triangle Bar

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Everything posted by Triangle Bar

  1. The Week was going so well and then! sorry guys some bad news the Triangle Trio are no more they have had to return earlier than expected to their Home country but we have Haji stepping into the limelight for tonight. :) Thankyou thankyou to the Shedwreckers last night. Next week is Nicks last week before he returns home so your last chance to enjoy some great Blues music in the Triangle. Yesteday Thinkingallowed got the forum again with All Creatures great and small and dean for the bar with Coronation street. Bar question: Maintaining a visual status Forum Question: I am uncertai
  2. Another Great night in The bar, We tried out a new singer and had some great feedback thankyou guys. These questions are too easy this week lets see if i can make them harder. Well done to george for getting the bar question: Blue Peter and to thinkingallowed for getting the forum mission impossible. Bar question: Enthronement ceremony held in a thoroughfare Forum question: The totality of living beings irrespective of their size Todays Promo in the bar is Sangsom + Mixer 60Baht Buy one get one free The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  3. A nice start yesterday with the answers well dont SP Pete for getting the Forum first with One foot in the Grave and to Old Bill for Getting only Fools and Horses. Look forward to tonight for Cold Beer, Hassle Free Girls and Live Music in the Triangle Tonight Haji and friends. Bar question: Depressed apostle Forum Question: Task of insurmountable difficulty Todays Promo in the bar is Finlandia Vodka + Mixer 100Baht Buy one get one free Sa Black Stout 155B a pintBuy one get one free The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  4. Monday morning and the sun is out what better place to be than in Pattaya. This week schedule is as follows Tuesday: Haji + others Starts 8pm Live music all the hits and your requests Wednesday, Nick and the guy with the Hair cut Patrick Sing the Blues. kicks off 8.45pm Thursday. The triangle Trio sing 60's 70's 80's 90's and the latest hits. 8pm start Friday Haji + Others end the week and see you into the weekend. Saturday + Sunday Football and live sporting events Get you diaries filled in every page should Say Triangle Triangle Triangle :) After last weeks cryptic chocolate clu
  5. Its the Weekend and to Quote my favorite song at the moment "123 123 drink 123 123 drink 123 123 drink" So the answers yesterday were Bar: Crunchie won by Charlie and Thinkingallowed won the Forum Very impressive as its such an unusual word Munificence means great generosity bountiful, so the answer as he guessed was Bounty. This weekend is all about Rugby Rugby AFL Rugby and F1 Weekend Promos are Sa Black Stout 155B a pintBuy one get one free Kepplers Draught Dry Cider 129B a pint Thatchers Gold Medium Cider 129B a pint Cream Flow Ale 145B a pint. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LE
  6. The End of another great week in this crazy town. lets break into the weekend with a night of live music and cold beers. Yesterday Thinkingallowed from live forum won the forum with Picnic and the bar went to jeff with Snickers. Look out for a stout special this weekend buy one get one free i hear you Cry? Maybe Bar question: Like toast, or autumn leaves, maybe Forum Question: Munificence! (no googleing to find out what the word means) Todays Promo in the bar is Three Oaks Cider 80Baht Apple,Pear,Peach, Wildberry. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  7. Bit of a noisy night yesterday we had to turn it up to drown out the dreaded Thai karaoke from across the road so apologizes to everyone. next time we have asked them to give us advance notice so we can postpone the live music and listen to their Cough cough singing. Tonight the Return of the Triangle Trio mesmerizing you with their sweet voices and quirky dance routines. Yesterday the bar was won by SP Pete who in amazement got Aero (plain) and the forum went to Kevcov of Addicts with another late entry of double decker. Bar question: Sounds like bloomers! Forum Question: Al fres
  8. Good Wednesday Morning to you all. The Funk, soul and motown was a great night more music tonight with the Shedwreckers and there Blues music. Yesterday the bar answer was snapped up by Shane with Flake the forum took a little longer and we have a new winner The Tougue from the live forum got the answer of Quality street. Todays questions are Bar Question: Half a flying machine? Could well be Forum Question: Passenger carrying vehicle, or maybe a club sandwich? Todays Promo in the bar is Sangsom + Mixer 60Baht Buy one get one free The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  9. Dont forget tonight is Soul, Funk and Motown get in early we are sure of a full house. Yesterday Jacko from talk won the forum answer with Topic and stu won the bar answer with After8 to easy i think lets try a little harder today. Bar question: Single snowy deposit Forum question: Could be Park Lane, or Mayfair Todays Promo in the bar is SA Smooth 110B a pint and Brains Stout 110 a pint While stocks last. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  10. Its Monday the weekend was busy and the week ahead looks the same. Lots of good promotions and music nights ahead. heres a quick run down. Tuesday is Funk, Soul & Motown night Haji and his new singer will be playing a night of funk. As its a special music night our Draught will be on promo Thanks to Brains for supporting our night. Wednesday is Blues Night with the talented Nick and Patrick. Thursday sees the return of The Triangle Trio Friday is back with Haji and crew to start the weekend off with a blast. This weeks theme is something close to my heart my only weakness Chocolat
  11. The Weekend has started off with a Bang (Thunder) Its a lot cooler in town today. Yesterdays wins were facebook clive with Mini mouse and Bar was Aussie Sid with First Night. That ends this weeks Quiz. Got a idea for next weeks questions? Pm me and i will see what i can do. Thanks to the band last night. Sorry to see Honey Leave but if you were in last night you will of heard the replacement singing belting out a few hits for us as a bit of practice. Weekend Promo is Kepplers Draught Dry Cider 129B a pint Thatchers Gold Medium Cider 129B a pint Brains Stout 145B a pint Cream Flo
  12. Its the last day of the week. Thankyou to the girls last night for another great night singing. If you missed them there back next Thursday. Tonight is the Return of Haji and co. Ending the week with some great tunes and fantastic vocals. Yesterday Jacko from talk won with Rolling stones and the bar after much heated discussions was won by dave with Carry on doctor. Bar question: Forum Question: Todays Promo in the bar is 100 pipers + mixer 75Baht Buy one get one free And Brains Stout 145B a pint The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  13. The Guys were outstanding last night we even had an Encore Its a bevie of beauties tonight with the Triangle Trio starting off 8pm As promised yesterdays questions were easier with Forcebwithu winning for the talk forum (been a long time since you won glad to see you back) the answer was Jeremy Irons and Shane made it two in a row for the bar with Dont look back. Bar Question: Forum Question: Todays Promo in the bar is London Pride 160Baht 500ml bottle. And Brains Stout 145B a pint The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  14. Getting better the bar was answered yesterday by Shane he got 9 1/2 weeks. no one got the forum which was kissing in the Back Row. Will make it easier for you today. Live Music tonight with the Blues Boys AkA the Shed Wreckers. This night always fills the bar so get in early Bar Question: Forum Question: Todays Promo in the bar is Sangsom 60Baht Buy one get one free. And Brains Stout 145B a pint The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  15. No one not a single bite at the answers whats wrong with you? they were easy Bar answer half a sixpence and the forum: High fidelity lets try again today remember there either movie or music linked. Tonight in the Bar Live music With Haji and friends Bar Question: Forum question: Todays Promo in the bar is JagerBombs 110Baht Buy one get one free. And Brains Stout 145B a pint The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  16. Its Monday wake up jump out of bed and shake that hangover away. We got an action Packed week ahead just for you. Daily Drinks Specials, Sports, And live music. Its also Dingbat week in the Bar and there music or Movie connections just to make it easier. Bar Question: Forum Question: Todays Promo in the bar is Three Oaks 80Baht Apple,Pear,Peach, Wildberry. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  17. Its the weekend yesterday Jacko from Talk won the last of the forum questions with Last Christmas by Wham. no one got the bar which was: Grandma got run over by a reindeer Got any ideas for a Quiz Theme just let me know by PM Thanks to Haji and band for last nights musical entertainment. All the Bands are back next weeks for more rocking, Popping and toe tapping songs. Our new extension to the Toilets is almost finished Thank you for being Patient with us while we did the building work. We hope you like the end result. This weekend football and F1 the Rugby Final at 9pm on Sat Lee
  18. Great Night yesterday the girls were on Fire and so was the magician at one point! Its the last day of the week yesterday SP Pete won the Forum Answer with Italy no one got the bar answer, Sexyman and group did have a stab but none got it correct the answer was Cindy Lou Who. Last lot of questions what xmas songs do these lines come from. Bar Question: she'd been drinking too much egg nog Forum Question: once bitten and twice shy I keep my distance Todays Promo in the bar is Twisted Shots 70Baht each 5 for 300Baht. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  19. Two years ago today a friend, customer and the owner of Se7en the dog i look after was taken from us. The guy that murdered Rob Hollick has been arrested in Sweden in the last couple of weeks after fleeing Thailand. Lets hope one day Justice and Karma do get served never to be forgotten. Heres to Rob. Todays Drinks promo is in honor of Rob as he did like his Singha Light. Yesterday the winners were Jeff for the Bar with Oliver Cromwell and Vortex from the Addicts forum for guessing Holland correctly (just pm the answer next time) Bar question: 'Who' catches the Grinch red han
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