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gimmble last won the day on January 9 2012

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144 Excellent

About gimmble

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    Senior Poster
  • Birthday 04/06/1961

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    Melbourne, Australia

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  1. methinks you have too much time on your hand MM
  2. Hi Evil, Arriving on the 19th and will join you again this year. Looking forward to catching up cheers Rodney
  3. I have always enjoyed the food at Tequila Reef, never had the buffet but I am sure for 445 baht, you will walk away satisfied. cheers Rodney
  4. You get what you pay for..............................
  5. And to think its just 6 hours from Melbourne to Bali..............and I have never been........ cheers Rodney
  6. Such a pity that you cant give an opinion without being jumped on. My personal experience was not good, and I was not happy with the response from the owner. I shared my opinion like so many other board members do here but for some reason hit a bad nerve with some board members I apologise if I offended anyone, it was just my opinion. Nothing more and nothing less. For every ones info, I ran a go-go, in Pattaya for 2 years and I am very aware of how hard it is to find good workers, the hardships in training them and the impossible to keep them long time. I find it poor for an
  7. I have just returned from 9 days in Pattaya and I also highly recommend this place. They also have an extensive breakfast menu which was great value for money. One thing I found on their menu which I have not found else where is my beloved FLAT WHITE, the best coffee I have had to date in Thailand. cheers Rodney
  8. Really? I should accept this? I will take a raincheck cheers Rodney
  9. Why would I try again, the problem will not be fixed up as you stated it will be rectified upon your return??? Is that next week, next month or next year? As the saying goes, once bitten twice shy cheers Rodney
  10. That's why I mentioned it, to give you something to compare it with as everyone has a different idea of what a good Pizza is so if you don't like Pizza Hut, then you will definitely not enjoy the pizza at Brooklyn Diner cheers Rodney
  11. After glowing reviews of this place, I stopped in for a bite just a few hours ago. The décor was nice, staff helpful. I ordered a peperoni pizza to try after glowing reports of how good their Pizza's are but to be honest it was a big fail. 7 pieces of peperoni on top meant that the main ingredient did not even cover 30% and was sliced so thinly, well I believe you would see daylight through it if you held it up to the light. My rating out of 10.......3 I had great expectations but was totally let down and would NOT recommend this place sadly. Maybe being an Aussie I am not used to Am
  12. Hi Gus, plenty off the rack in 2xl, prices around 200 baht upwards cheers Rodney
  13. Hi Evil, I enjoyed my time last year at the Orphanage and will be arriving on the 19th Dec. Last year we did not get to see many young kids due to the funeral of one of the sisters, but hopefully this year it will be ok. I would like to join you again this year and will be happy to contribute 15,000 baht this year. Send me a PM with details. cheers Rodney
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