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Everything posted by ramster

  1. Thank you I went to the Bkk air site found the 1700 one way and shall be in Pattaya on the 26th for a few after spending time in Samui and Phuket thank you for all I was wandering about getting from the airport in Pattaya to Walking st. I think you guys have cleared the matter up saying, there will be cabs or a bus. Sound like no problem 45 min. ride 600 - 800 bt. Much netter than going to bkk first from Phuket!! Ramster
  2. Guys thank you so much I think it is a non stop flight from Phuket? Will there be cabs at the airport in Pattaya or should I line one up? Thank you
  3. How far is the place where Bkk Airline lands to Walking St. I will be flying from Phuket Is that the best way to go? Are there cabs for hire at the airport (I read it is small out of the way) any info will help Thank you for all Ramster
  4. Go to Pantip Plaza in Bangkok they have it all. Five floor of DVD's Software ect. Ramster
  5. Looking to stay for the first time at the R.G. thank you for all the info looks nice. My question is this how far is it from walking sty? Can you get a baht bus from the hotel or do you have to walk to 2nd road? Can you get a taxi from it? Any good breakfast there? Looks like it is almost to Jomatien beach is it? Thank you and sorry if these have been asked before Ramster
  6. Looking to pick up a few purses for my sisters while in Bkk next trip. Any help in finding knock off bags will help also bringing them back (just a few). If you know the price of cigarettes and the amount of them you can bring back without getting into trouble that would be great too! Ramster
  7. Can anyone help me with this hotel? I read it is in the middle of the action. Is it guest friendly? Joiner fee? close to beach? nice hotel? any help? any other suggestions would be great. Thank you Ramster
  8. I only have only two minor complaints with the room. Firstly, a magnetic piece held on the key ring with your front door key is required to be placed in a holder by the wall to operate the room's lights and air-conditioning. This means that when you leave the room taking your key with you the air-conditioning ceases to operate and there is nothing worse than returning to a hot, steamy room later (of course you could get around this if you are so inclined by removing the door key from the key ring and leaving the magnetic place in the holder). Secondly, the TV reception is rather poor.
  9. Thank you guys going to MBK when I get around the first day. Be in Bkk. Tues. 11:30 pm 4 days, then Pattaya 9 days. [smiley=gone.gif]
  10. I know a LB in Bkk that needs a ride on that day. [smiley=scared.gif][smiley=yikes.gif]
  11. You guys came through for the Ramster again VoxVader I will go to MBK I am staying at Maj. Suites in Bkk someone will tell me were MBK is from the hotel. I will pick my number on a sim then get a used phone. I assume the phone will have a charger too? And that way I can keep in touch with my buddy who is coming with me. I know that we are going to get separated! I want to keep in touch with the TG's also. 2000 bt sounds cheep to have a phone for 2 weeks Ramster [smiley=party.gif]
  12. Vox thank you. So if I buy a used phone and a sim total around 2000bt I am good to go? Can I get one in Bkk and use it later when I go to Pattaya?
  13. I have an old phone it is a Motorola star tack. From reading there is something called a sim card? I have to imagine it is something that changes the configuration of your phone? We don't have them in Las Vegas so I have to guess. I read that some phones can and some will not. Alsov stores in Thailand sell minute’s thank you Ramster one week to LOS!! [smiley=3some.gif]
  14. Monkeyman this is the best site I could find http://www.ignatzmice.com/Adam/framed.htm Lots of great people, glad to help out a punter in need
  15. Gordon I will try to keep my paws off the help at S.S. But I am so close to getting on a plane to BKK for 4 nights then Pattaya for 9 nights the....well you got think back to the fist time you went (assuming there was a message board) and for months you sat at your computer reading all these reports from LOS. Well need I say more? [smiley=grin.gif] I joined a site that posts about Amsterdam before I went last year, it made my trip absolutely fantastic!! I made my post after my trip and I go back to the site every day…then one day I happen to see a page that says other places, I had t
  16. Thank you I will ge the deal from the cuttie at the front desk and work on it. I will be looking for a room on the 8th floor with a nice view. Ramster 8)
  17. Thank you again, really nice of you to take time out to answer. Scince you use cable at home too, how do you connect? does the prepaid service you get from hotel have a way to get on line with a dial up? I was thinking about getting AOL for a month so I can dial up from the room, I'll ask for 809 sounds nice! If you could stash a little TG in the closet for me that would be great! One of those little cuties working at the desk will do. too bad you are leaving when I arrive, I would like to buy a beer or two for you See you. ramster
  18. Hay Gordon I looked on the calender you leave on the 6th I arrive on the 6th...YOU IN MY ROOM!! Don't tear it up too much!!
  19. Thanks Gordon I asked for the same room! I got a lock for my laptop so I’m not worried about it. Did you buy the Loxinfo pre-paid internet connection account at Sandy? Sounds Like something I would be interested in? I use cable at home (no need for a modem here) I need a modem connection from the room. Thank you I will try to connect in the room but if I can't I will use my laptop copy to disc and go use the one nearby :)
  20. Thank you again but it is my first time and around the corner is too vague for me can you please elaborate? I am having a hard enough time finding S.S. they are on Sio 13...and there are three of them. ??? Ramster
  21. Thank you Toby do any of these have high speed hook up? I will need to look at stocks buy sell so I can pay for my first trip to LOS. (Also write and post reports for all my mentors on this site) Ramster rides in 13 days!! Getting extremely excited!! ;D ;D
  22. Thank you all I went out and bought a lock for my laptop with a cable on it. Kind of cool it attaches to the laptop then a table or something.
  23. Can anyone tell me about the safe in the lobby at Sandy Springs? No in room safe, they say one is in the lobby. Please tell me do we each get a safe? Can my laptop go in it? Access 24/7? Any help at all in this matter would be a big help. I am booked there for 8 nights after 4 nights in bkk 2 weeks to go and getting very excited!! ;D
  24. There seems to be no connection at the S.S. hotel. Does antone know if there is one near I can hook up my laptop to or use one of there computers? I will need to access internet for a few reasons, if you know of any please help. Thank you
  25. Booked for 9 days in March can't wait!! Web site say's location soi 13 near second road. I went to the map you guys here sent me to. (http://www.bahtbus.com/map/index.html) Help me here...there are three soi 13's!! To add to the confusion S.S. is not on map I know it is new please help? Thank you
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