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About Woops

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  1. Amazing. http://www.atlasofwonders.com/2011/11/zhangye-danxia.html
  2. Very nice. I wonder what has changed concerning the girls attitude, hopes and expatations. Also what has changed among the mongerers.
  3. The name of the owner of phuket.info was Nick, he died in a motor accident. They are now determining who is the legal owner of the forum. Sad to see this happening. He owned also the Mai Tha bar in Phuket in soi Eric. The times I was in his bar it was always relaxed. A big loss for Phuket.
  4. http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060828063235AAt6EwD http://www.thenational.ae/news/uae-news/environment/sudden-change-from-hot-to-cold-can-harm-health http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Does_quickly_changing_from_cold_weather_to_hot_weather_get_you_sick
  5. Hi mods en administrators, Can I place a series of talking penis video comics/cartoon on this board? Cheers.
  6. Luk Thung. Ever been in Tawang Daeng in Bangkok? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRll6AwOHrA&playnext=1&list=PL964BCF124F41ACF9&feature=results_main
  7. Part two of a attitude Edit: PS, if you have a idea for short storys, please let me know I'm looking for idea's.
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