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  1. You're probably right about a few of them - especially those that had just turned up. As you suggest, once they have clocked in, they don't exactly rush to get changed and out into the bar, requiring prodding from the mamasan. 'Tis a constant battle. The rest probably just hadn't showed up yet. You know how it is, getting them all into work for 8.00pm isn't an option - no matter how much "encouragement" is given. 80-90% are there by 9pm most nights but you still get the stragglers wandering in at 9.30-10.00, some nights even later. We held off introducing the new drink prices for a coup
  2. We have around 35 girls on our books and even on a bad night we have well in excess of 20 in attendance. There were 27 there last night for example (and some damned good looking ones too - and that's not just my "biased" opinion before you say it). No idea where you get the figure of 8 from but the only time you might find only 8 girls in there is very late at night when we've had a lot of barfines. Since the Cobra Gold guys tended to be early starters it doesn't seem likely you were in the bar that late so I am mystified as to how you say there were only 8 girls. You are entitled to your
  3. ............................................... 85B DRINKS !!! ........................................ With exchange rates hurting just about everyone there have been a lot of posts urging bars to reduce prices. Some bars have introduced specials on well drinks/some beers but we thought we'd try something different. You want lower prices ? You got 'em...... From tomorrow, ALL drinks* (except ladydrinks) will be priced at 85B (65B during happy hour 8.00-9.30). Want a bottled beer ? That'll be 85B. Jack Daniels/Johnnie Walker Black ? 85B please. Even cocktails and
  4. Many thanks to Mick/Tan for holding their wedding party at Catz and to all those who helped to make it such a great night. Here's some of the photos from the event that can be used................ Thanks to all who could make it and congrats again to the happy couple. Cheers Pie
  5. Mick and Tan, who married last year, are back in Pattaya for their first visit since. They're celebrating the wedding with a party at Catz this coming Saturday. There'll be a pig on a stick, steak and mushroom/cottage pies, sausages and various salads as well as Thai food (Issan variety) for "her indoors". The party starts at 8pm with the food from around 8.45. Hope to see you there. Cheers Pie
  6. What a lovely bunch you lot are. First it's 65 then 70 and 69. I'm deffo photoshopping the party pics now. Well, it's either that or iron my face before I go out tonight. Sorry you guys can't make it but look forward to catching up when you're back in town. Cheers Pie
  7. Last week's party was a blast (as those who attended will testify to - thanks guys) and this should be even better!! As ever, I'll steal Stickman's script as it sums it up far better than I can......... Catz a gogo (Soi 16, Walking Street) is throwing a party this coming Thursday, 13th November. It's the joint birthday bash of two of the owners - one of whom is celebrating his 65th this time around - and it's usually the bar's biggest party of the year. The timing is great too as with all the bars likely to be closed for the following 3 days, here's an opportunity to really let your
  8. A big thanks to all those that helped to make last week's party a great night. For those that couldn't make it here's a few pics of the event (sans comments as it's 0330 and I'm up early in the morning ). There's another one coming up this Thursday which promises to be even better - details to follow. For now the pics from Thursday's one..... \ Thanks again to those that could make it and I'll try to post details of the next one tomorrow night. Cheers
  9. It's party time at Catz a gogo this coming Friday. There'll be lots of food including the usual pig complemented by Steak and Kidney/Cottage pies, proper bangers (pork sausages for the non-brits ), tandoori chicken, home made potato salad, coleslaw and garlic bread. Those that haven't been in for a while might get a few surprises too - we've had over 20 new girls start in the past few weeks, with 7 more due to start between now and party night. Doors open 8pm with food from around 8.45. Hope to see you there....... Cheers Pie
  10. A big thanks to Ali, the party host for a top, top night - one of the best parties at Catz since we opened. A special mention also to Bill who laboured for hours to make well over 500 jello shots. Needless to say, there weren't any left at the end of the night. A bit of a rush job with these photos as I've had no ADSL for 4 days so couldn't upload them. Just got it back but I'm off to the airport in a couple of hours so you're spared the usual inane comments - just the photos this time...........
  11. Being a lazy sod, I've copied and pasted (with a minor edit so as not to upset "them wot must be obeyed" ) from this week's Stickman column....... Catz a gogo (Soi 16, Walking Street) will be hosting the 30th birthday of a popular Pattaya message board member this coming Friday, 5th September. It promises to be a lively occasion and there'll be some excellent fare laid on including the usual pig on a stick, steak and kidney/cottage pies from Bob Palmer's, tandoori chicken as well as home made potato salad, garlic bread and coleslaw. To get the party kick started Catz are running a 2-4-1
  12. Never flown them but based on this........... http://www.worldairlineawards.com/Awards_2008/Yclass-08.htm ....it doesn't sound as though you'd be going far wrong. Cheers Pie
  13. A top night - many thanks to Bruce for the party and for laying on such a good spread which, given the shortage of leftovers for the "vultures", clearly went down well. OK, so yer' only here for the pics so......... I'd like to think they were discussing a missed putt but then again..... Nosh laid on by Bruce...... Lat did the cake - note the "B", is it for Bruce or Butterfly ???? I am so misunderstood - Butterfly me ???? Many t
  14. After the Catz golf tournament on Thursday there's a party in the bar starting 8pm. All welcome - you don't have to be a golfer. A 30Kg pig will be sacrificed and there's cottage/steak and kidney pies from Bob Palmers plus tandoori chicken and home-made potato salads/coleslaw/garlic bread etc. Food from around 8.45. Hope to see you there.... Cheers Pie
  15. As Doris has finally found the PC/camera lead she'd "borrowed", herewith the pics from Roy (snr), Roy (jnr) and Pete's party at Catz last Thursday. A good night was had by all - especially the party hosts - although those particular pics won't see the light of day....... Thanks to all who helped make it a great night. Cheers Pie
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