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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About dexlowe

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    New Zealand
  1. Doesn't bua mean boring? Hmmm - white bore. Someone's been reading my mail again.
  2. Damn you, atlas2, I was hoping to give Hitchens and Dawkins a rest for a while, but you got me sucked back into them again. What an awesome legacy of intellectual debate Hitchens left.
  3. They're not trained journalists, probably just the news media's version of the parachute English teachers. That site also does not seem to have a proper sub editor. But get used to it, folks, it's the way of the future now that newspapers are dying in most parts of the world and professional training is all but extinct. Some people are natural reporters, but it takes a lot of years of experience to become a well-rounded journalist and sub.
  4. Definitely a chew yer arm off job.
  5. he'd be a cool guy to have a beer with. Enjoyed that. His wife looks like shr might be a lot of fun
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