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Everything posted by xi3nce

  1. Do you have a URL to english description/details on this box?
  2. Not related to this forum (which allows direct uploads) specific, but one option is to use free image hosting services like imageshack.
  3. I tried eCigs after 17 years of tobacco use. After 2 days I put the tobacco away without much hassle. Health advantages are massive.
  4. When I highlight your post and click the 'dots'/menu I don't have that option. On other forums I get the 'Conversations' option. Can you check my user settings on the forums?
  5. Cheers. I use Tapatalk, and for these forums it does not show the PM option visible on the other forums I use. Dont know why.
  6. I am unable to send PM's on these forums for some reason I do not know. I'm not quite sure which features need a 'unlock' on these forums, but assume PM's is one of them. Kind of hate systems like that.
  7. I recently quit smoking tobacco by the help of eCigarette substitute. I'm now going to Pattaya for the first time as a eCigarette user, and wonder if I need to bring equipment and juice for the whole stay or not. Are eCigarettes and eJuice commonly available in Pattaya?
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