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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About Panda

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  1. The Thais wouldnt dream of eating a common household rat unless they were pretty hard pressed. They eat Rice field rats which are a different species. Buggered if I know what the difference is though.
  2. burnright. workks good. got it from www.download.com
  3. I would say -- Forget it on $500 US (20,000 Thai Baht) a month. Sure you could survive on $500 a month but there would be nothing left for emergencies and you would be living a very Spartan lifestyle. At 20 years old and with an income producing enterprise, why not spend a few more years building up the business at home rather than to take a gamble that offers no advantage at this stage. Once the business is earning 4 or 5 times what it is now in a few years, you would have enough of a buffer to set yourself up in a place like Thailand AND be able to enjoy a relatively good standard of li
  4. Farangs CAN own a house, but they CANT own the land. You can take out a 30 year lease on the land quite legally though. The bogus Thai company with the farang holding a 49% share still doesn't give the farang ownership of the house. The company would own it and if the 51% Thai shareholders wanted to sell it or boot the farang out, they could. My Thai wife and I bought a house and land recently. The land title had to be in her name only. And I had to sign a document saying that I had not contributed any money to the purchase. Which was a total lie of course. But it was the only way they wo
  5. So its down to getting mauled by tigers, bitten by rabid monkeys or transmitting the flu to dolphins.
  6. He had an itchy bum. And the pharmacist said this cream was completely safe and would cure the problem. There could not possibly be drugs in sport anymore with the level of testing they have got now.
  7. Dont know about Brittan, but about 5% of incoming parcels get checked by customs here in Australia. They always put a sticker on it to tell you they opened it. I dont try to smuggle anything in, so I dont care. But if I wanted to get bulk items in I would think a suitcase full would be the lowest risk.
  8. I made a booking at a different place via email last year and they emailed me an almost identical form to complete for payment via my credit card. Only difference was they insisted that it had to be FAXed back to them. My scanner has a fax function so it was easy, and no problems. Just tell them you will FAX it to them. Any time you hand your card to a vendor to swipe through their machine it would be easy for them to glance at the last 3 digits on the back and memorize them. Then they would have your card number as well, so there is an element of risk.
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