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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About oldtimer

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    New Zealand

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  1. Hi, Have not been posting for a while, and returning to Pattaya next month .I wonder If someone can tell me what has happened to the new alcohol laws that were to be introduced earlier this year. Cheers OT
  2. Have always heard good reports on Canterbury, But prefer not to go across Number 2 Road. Maybe I shoud try it one day, thanks for reminding me again. cheers OT
  3. Have heard that tourisim is still a bit low and a sure sign is the "blackboards" outside the hotels.Anyone seen any around center beach road eg. soi 7 & 8 or heard of any good deals, always keen on an attractive offer.comments appreciated. thanks OT
  4. Hello,Just wondering, anybody stayed at Pinnacle Inn (just off Suk.). Is it OK and guest friendly?.Googled it up. Seems to be relatively new and only 1000 baht. Have found Nanna is getting a bit tired and have sneaked up the rates. Thanks OT
  5. Two nun's in Paris decide to go for a sightseeing ride on bicycles around Paris. At the end of the day, one of the nuns sugests they take a short cut she knows back to the convent. After winding around many of the Rues the other says"I've never come this way before" To which her companion replied, "It's the cobblestones my dear"
  6. Payback's are a bitch. an excellent view and whole lot of laughs
  7. EASTINY GROUP hotel "Bella Vista" between Soi 7 & 8 @ 750 small abf included, good a\c ,plenty of hot water,Pleasant staff ,rooms a tad small but good value. Oops sorry no bath
  8. Arrive 10 pm but I guess that will be to late for you, Have agood one . Cheers OT
  9. Hi, try www.dental4youpattaya.com/fee.html . They can do an implant in 2 weeks with a small anchor [ if that is what it is called] but for a regular implant they reccomend 2 months healing before clipping on. Good excuse to return
  10. Great price, I will certainly check Itchyfeet for my next trip, obviously they have Thai's top up seats and may be only avaliable afew days out from departure. "Bugger" I paid nearly $1400 10 weeks ago, anyway wgaf, I leave tomrrow for 3 weeks
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