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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About geebs47

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  1. for a good pc countdown clock download timeleft its free and works well
  2. Ok Mr Toom thanks for the heads up
  3. I too was using norton 360 result a slow computer that got infected anyway im now using pccillin and my machine runs sweet
  4. I stayed at the seaview last xmas and found the room to be of good size and had a full bath tub and quite comfortable the breakfast was rubbish though im staying there this year also
  5. the best way to get to the domestic airport is to go to the taxi kiosk just outside of arrivals and before the arrivals extension at ninoy aquino airport it should cost about 100 peso also make sure you keep your baggage check from bkk as the philpinos check it when you exit the airport have fun :)
  6. yes you need to go to the domestic airport which is near by but you will need to get a taxi one you clear customs change some money at the bank kiosks at arrivals then go get a taxi from the kiosk which is at arrivals (cebu pacific do provide a shuttle but its not worth the hassle) make sure you have plenty of time as the domestic airport is total chaos and the ques need to be seen to be believed ps in the philippines do not use travellers cheques no one wants to take them i had a hard time cashing amex cheques in aud at manilla airport atm cards and cash are ok
  7. I would imho avoid manilla domestic airport like the plague it is asloute chaos at normal times and impossible at holidays in the pi it would be quicker to get a pick up from the hotel or the margarita station than go to the domestic airport and fly to clark
  8. Hi Kb great report i will consider that geust house trip after next im staying in sio 10 at xmas
  9. Yes i think the work is getting near completion the soi is concreted now and buisnesses there are open as of last saturday anyway
  10. I have used mr toom twice now no problems and i plan to use him in december as well
  11. Ok il be in town next week 1st week in sept any beef curry planned? ill be in it if there is
  12. Thanks kuranda appreciated unfotuantly i have to wait until christmas oh well
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