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Everything posted by bangkoknick

  1. So i turned up at the arranged bar and got myself a cold bud and was watching the Man U v Spurs game and then on the dot of 5.30 my 'blind date' Cheri turned up. Not a stunner but turned out to be 'nice', but a bit mumsy. So we stayed in that bar for a while getting on well, chatting loads about this and that as you do and then walked across the mall to T.G.I Friday's where we sat at the bar till about 10pm drinking more booze and still getting on o.k. but i was eyeing up loads of hot honey's that were scattered around the bar, there was some crackers in there, typical! Then i
  2. A little two part story about a blind date i went on last night, This is cut & pasted from my personal e-mail sent items so some of the wording might not make complete sense to any of you who are not from the uk but just have read of my exploits. So Cilla turned around and said to me, 'So Nick will it be number one, two or three? & I said it is going to have to be number.............. On Thursday morning i went into a sorting office on my round just as i would of not thinking that anything like this was about to happen. One of the postie's in there who i know a little b
  3. It is a pronounciation joke, "There his lambs", got it now.
  4. sorry, network break down with this link. Bangkoknick.
  5. Oh Christ almighty, Jesus - I will survive
  6. Very good, plus i got a free lesson in german subtitles,
  7. Arriving in Pattaya again next week for another fun time and was wondering if some of you guys could give me a few pointers for where to buy good quality jeans, looking for 501's, Armarni's or such like. Cheers, BN.
  9. Hello to everybody at pattaya pages! This is my first posting so bare with me. I've been to pattaya ten times now over the last 4 years at many different times throughout the year but never at Christmas. I am usually a regular flier on thai airways but am interested to locate any good agents for cheap flight tickets for this time of the year as i know that it is the most expensive time to travel. Any good contacts? I would still however prefer direct flights only. Cheers people, Bangkoknick
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