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Everything posted by lostinspace

  1. Dotcom, the vehicle will fit 4 passengers with comfort ( depending on size of frame of course ) and 3 with room to move and play a round of mini golf. Paul.
  2. Stretch, the price is as quoted whether 1 or 4 people are travelling. So i'm happy to say it is per trip. Paul.
  3. Sorry for the slow reply gentlemen, just sorting out a few things. In answer to your question Bigd, ...insurance and licence are for comprehensive passenger vehicle coverage....not commercial....and yes smoking is pemitted. Again sorry for the slow reply, but i have been trying to work out how to reply in one post to several questions, using multiple quotes, but have not been successful. So if there is a way i would appreciate any help. Paul
  4. Hello everyone, i would like to share with you a new option in Airport to Pattaya and return delivery. I am an Australian living in Pattaya for over a year now.I have just acquired a brand new Toyota twin cab Hilux ute with a/c and a cover for the back, (for securing golf clubs and any other large items ). Over the last year my wife has taken several friends to and from the airport in our old car. She enjoys the experience very much and so we would like to extend the service to others. My wife speaks good english , is a good reliable driver , knows her way around Bangkok, and can driv
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